Steyer boosts Gillum's tough campaign with $ 1 million


  Tom Steyer. "Title =" Tom Steyer. "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  The billionaire group Tom Steyer has not been involved in a Democratic primary since 2013. AP Photo / Rich Pedroncelli </p>
<p>  In a move that could dramatically change the race for the governor of Florida , California billionaire Tom Steyer has donated $ 1 million in organizational and advertising support to the campaign of Progressive candidate Andrew Gillum </p>
<p>  Steyer's help comes at a crucial time for Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee. fundraisers and that often reminds the crowd that he is personally financially disadvantaged because he is the only "non-millionaire" of the Democratic race to five candidates, where he is the only candidate African-American </p>
<p class= Gillum lacks money to compensate for his rhetorical rhetoric and progressive buzz, and Steyer said the Democratic Party needed more leaders, like the charismatic 38 years

Andrew Gillum is the kind of leader we need on the front line, "said Steyer, president of NextGen America's youth organizing group, in a statement released Thursday night. "There is someone in whom we can trust to do the right thing, to put people in front of the powerful and who are not afraid to defend justice, now when we do we need it the most.

NextGen contributed $ 500,000 to Gillum's Political Committee, Forward Florida, and it reserves an additional $ 500,000 to pay for digital ads and 50 paid field employees who leverage the power of 620 volunteers who are They were already organizing in Florida before the November elections.

Digital advertising began as early as Thursday

"NextGen America is proud to announce today its approval of @AndrewGillum for the Governor of Florida." Gillum is a strong advocate for weapons reform on fire of common sense, a LGBTQIA + champion and a leader on climate change.He illustrated the #youthvote vision of the future of America, "said the group in a video tweet

Gillum, in the third, fourth or fifth position in most polls, desperately needs money. On Thursday, relied on the support of a group called The Collective, which helps African-American candidates. The group refused to divulge its donors and Gillum, who has bullied against black money in the past, said he should disclose them. But anyway, he says, he needs their help.

According to Gillum's race theory, he needs strong support from African-American voters, but "they just need to know who I am". And he has white progressives who have responded to his full support for gay rights and the legalization of marijuana.

Steyer's group has not been involved in a Democratic primary since 2013, but his spokesman, Olivia Bercow He needed help in his run against the former mayor Miami Beach Phil Levine, former congressman Gwen Graham, Palm Beach billionaire Jeff Greene and Orlando businessman Chris King

"C & # 39; is a great cap for young people the way, "said Bercow. She said Steyer met Gillum for the first time in 2014 while Gillum was Executive Director of the Official Network of Elected Youth and they have remained close ever since.

On Twitter, Gillum is said "honored to have @NextGenAmerica & @ TomSteyer's support in this race! They are fighting for our democratic values ​​across the country, and we can not plus allow us to be patient.The time has come to make a bold and daring change, and I know we are ready to deliver it in August and November. "