Stop "begging for the remains of the federal government" – Mother Jones


In a live television appearance on Friday, Republican Senate candidate, Mississippi, Chris McDaniel, said that African-Americans in the state should stop "asking for leftovers from the federal government."

McDaniel made these remarks during a live recording of MSNBC Morning Joe Panelist Eddie Glaude Jr., a native of Mississippi and president of Afro-American Studies in Princeton, noted the story of McDaniel defending the Confederate flag and blaming gun violence.

"How to convince blacks in this state that you do not lead them?" Asked Gaude, noting that 38% of the state's population is African-American.

McDaniel replied, "I'm going to ask them, after 100 years, after 100 years of trust in the big government to save you, where are you today? After 100 years of begging for federal government cuts, where are you today?

The comment is not irrelevant for McDaniel, a long-time state senator, who made news to address a neo-confederate conference when he applied to the US Senate in 2014.

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant quickly condemned McDaniel's comments on Twitter.

Meanwhile, the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, with the support of Governor Bryant, announced Friday that he will no longer buy Nike products in response to the advertising campaign starring Colin Kaepernick. "I support the commissioner's decision," Bryant said in a statement to Mississippi today. "He has the right to determine which DPS providers are working, and it will not be with a company that pays a person who has slandered our men and women in law enforcement."

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