Stormy Daniels forgives Michael Cohen, claiming that he "seemed to weigh all his weight" in a chance meeting


PStormy Daniels said that Michael Cohen looked like "losing weight" when she recently met him at LaGuardia Airport in New York.

During a CNN interview on Monday, Daniels also stated that she was forgiving her former personal attorney for her actions during a court battle related to her claim that she would have had an appointment. extramarital with Trump more than ten years ago.

"We just met at LaGuardia the other night and I saw it.I thought to myself:" Oh my God, it's Michael Cohen. "It's passed three feet from me, "said Daniels to host Don Lemon.

"I was with my bodyguards and my tour manager.And we were like 'Hi', and he went back to say 'Hey guys'. and smiled at us – it was very strange, "Daniels continued. "He looked happy and healthy, he seemed to have a weight on his shoulders."

Daniels sued Trump in March in a California federal court to be released from a $ 130,000 contract that she signed several days before the 2016 presidential election in exchange for her silence regarding their alleged extramarital affair of 2006. The transaction was negotiated by Cohen. Daniels also sued the pair for defamation in reaction to his fierce defense against his claims.

When asked if she still had any ill-will toward Trump's former fixer, Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, said the recent events had changed her vision.

"I did it for a long time, it's him who negotiated this ridiculous deal that does not concern me," she said. "I did not want this story to appear.Our problem with him is that he is the one who was promoted to TV and promoted a book deal and this and that and started wanting more and more of me, so I really think I had a lot of ill-will for him – to him, but in the end, you know what, he sort of did the right thing. not and that Trump had ordered him to do so, so I guess I forgive him. "

Cohen pleaded guilty in August to a series of charges in federal court in New York. One of the charges was related to an excessive campaign contribution in 2016, probably related to the hidden money that he had paid to Daniels.

Daniels told Dutch television channel RTL Late Night with Twan Huys in September that she had "burst into tears" when she learned of Cohen's decision. "Who's the one who looks like a liar?", She said. Cohen just confesses … that I tell the truth from the beginning. "

Daniels has published a book titled Full disclosure Earlier this month, which details its alleged connection with Trump. Trump's legal team has argued that the lawsuit between Daniels and Trump is now irrelevant after the book's release and on Monday urged a Los Angeles federal judge to get rid of the case.

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