Stormy Daniels' "Full Disclosure" has few bombs, but runs the risk of attacking the White House


The White House Press Office did not respond to a request for comment.

"Full Disclosure" is the latest damaging reading book that has followed, just after "Unhinged: The Account of a Trump White House Insider" by Omarosa Manigault Newman and "Fear: Trump in the White" House "by Bob Woodward. sold more than 1.1 million copies in its first week.

Trump's presidency proved to be an unexpected windfall for the publishing industry, which launched a deluge of juicy insider accounts. In a typical presidency, experts and journalists have to wait years before the members of the administration are overflowing with details. Whether by deference or self-respect, government officials often stop until a new administration is in place to offer their insider account. But the chaos and turmoil within the Trump administration has upset the usual cycle of publication in Washington, as former staff members and officials who have been expelled or resigned have published books at breakneck speed, at least according to the frosty standards of publication.

Many of these accounts have come top of the bestseller lists, often after the White House has challenged revelations or threatened lawsuits, sparking a new round of media coverage.

"The ideal is to have a book attacked by Trump, because that guarantees you a bestseller status," said Matt Latimer, literary agent and co-associate at Javelin, who represents James Comey.

In the fierce competition for the next political blockbuster, Macmillan, which owns among others St. Martin, Henry Holt and Flatiron Books, has often prevailed. The company has published "Fire and Fury" by Michael Wolff, which is circulating to nearly three million copies, and the former F.B.I. Director James Comey "A Higher Loyalty", which has sold over a million copies. On Tuesday, St. Martin's announced that it has acquired a book from the former F.B.I. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who has been a regular target of Mr. Trump's anger on Twitter. Mr. McCabe's book, "The Threat: How the F.B. Protects America in the age of terror and trump, "is due to comment in December on political investigations into Mrs. Clinton's use of a private email server and Russia's efforts to influence 2016 presidential election.

Publishers had to be more flexible to stay relevant at a chaotic and hyperpartisan moment.

"The challenge is that the news cycle changes every day; It's like a Ping-Pong match that tries to determine the country's attention, "said Jennifer Enderlin, executive vice president and publisher of St. Martin's.

"Regardless of the volatility of the information cycle, some authors and books will stop the audience and pay attention, and we think we have two," she added. . "It just seems like they can tell their story, since Trump has the biggest megaphone in the country and he can say a lot about it."

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