Stormy Daniels says it's too late for Trump to reach an agreement: "It's gone too far"


<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – smt Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Stormy Daniels says it's too late for Trump to reach an agreement: "It's gone too far" originally appeared on"data-reactid =" 15 ">Stormy Daniels says it's too late for Trump to reach an agreement: "It's gone too far" originally appeared on

Stormy Daniels vowed to hold President Donald Trump's feet and continue to legally compel him to sit for a statement about their alleged affair and a cash payment of $ 130,000.

His comments appeared with lawyer Michael Avenatti on ABC's "The View" on Wednesday, days after Trump's lawyers and former lawyer Michael Cohen filed motions stating that they no longer questioned the validity of the application. legally agree.

(PLUS: Stormy Daniels' lawyer asks the court to quickly file President Trump)

Daniels – who has been involved in a lawsuit against Trump and Cohen seeking to invalidate the agreement and let her speak without fear of legal reprisals – said that there was a time when that would have been enough. Previously, she publicly offered to return all the money and dissolve the agreement so that she could continue to tell her story.

But this time, she said Wednesday, has passed.

<p class = "canvas-atom-text-canvas Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "" I realized that & # 39; now Do you want to make this offer? now Do you want to make this offer? She said sarcastically. "But everyone remembers for months, we offered to give back the money and … they would not accept it." Data-reactid = "21"> "I realized:" Now you want to make this offer? now Do you want to make this offer? She said sarcastically. "But everyone remembers for months, we offered to give back the money and … they would not accept it.

"But no – now, it's gone too far and I think there's a bigger picture here."

PHOTO: Michael Cohen, former President Donald Trump's lawyer, leaves the federal court after concluding an advocacy agreement in New York on August 21, 2018. (Craig Ruttle / AP, FILE)

Trump denied the allegation and maintained that he was aware of the settlement agreement only after his signature. He recently admitted to having repaid Cohen for the costs of the transaction.

Last month, Mr. Cohen pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws and stated that Trump had asked him to pay two women during the 2016 campaign to prevent them from publicly claiming to have business with him. .

(PLUS: Stormy Daniels' lawyer asks the court to quickly file President Trump)

For its part, Avenatti acknowledged that the lawsuit was partly motivated by politics and compared the US president to the late New York mafia, Don John Gotti.

PHOTO: Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for adult movie actress Stormy Daniels, speaks to the press after a US court hearing on July 27, 2018 in Los Angeles. (Mark Ralston / AFP / Getty Images)

Asked if he thought his efforts could turn Trump's supporters against the president, Avenatti said he hoped.

(PLUS: Michael Cohen agrees to tear the nondisclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels)

"We do not know what impact on Trump's trump until something has an impact on Trump's base," he said on "The View."

"They called John Gotti – they called him Teflon Don, and they used to pretend that he was untouchable, until he was no longer, and he died in a penitentiary. "

In the final days of the 2016 presidential election, Daniels and his lawyer agreed to a $ 130,000 settlement agreement that prevented him from publicly discussing his alleged sexual relationship with the future US president when he 39, a golf tournament held in Lake Tahoe in 2006.

For months, Trump and Cohen insisted in court that the deal was binding and even threatened to sue for $ 130,000 after Daniels began talking about their alleged case. Cohen made the payment, which Trump maintains he did not know until his signature. He has more recently acknowledged having paid back Cohen.

Over the weekend, Trump and Cohen each filed a court notice stating that they would no longer dispute Daniels' claims that the transaction was invalid, nor would they seek to enforce the agreement. . They also promised not to sue Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, for alleged violations of the nondisclosure agreement.

With this, Trump's lawyer, Charles Harder, asked the judge to remove Trump from the lawsuit.

(PLUS: Michael Cohen agrees to tear the nondisclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels)

Avenatti, who is publicly reflecting on a Democratic presidential race in 2020, joked with the president last weekend that "never before have I seen an accused as frightened as Donald Trump," he said. especially for a guy who's negotiations are so difficult. "Avenatti then called Trump – he's been happily dragging on for months -" all the hats and no cattle. "

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