Stormy Daniels writes a book to tell: "Full Disclosure"


Daniels said that there would be new details in the book, titled "Full Disclosure", that the public did not hear.

"Everyone knows that a lot of" 60 Minutes " [interview] was cut for the time and there are things that I said in my interview that I really wanted people to know what is very important to me that I could not say ", Daniels said Wednesday on "The View"

"I was like, I'm going to write everything and include it, and people can think of what they want from me, but at least that's the truth," he said. Daniels, adding that the book has taken many years.

Daniels also said when she heard that Michael Cohen told the court that Trump had ordered him to pay $ 130,000, she started crying. "… This news was like a punch in the stomach," said Daniels. "I was so overwhelmed that I just sobbed, because I did not realize how much pressure I was feeling in. You know, people call me all kinds of names during months and months. "It was like that, yes! Vindicated! I felt like all that weight was out of my shoulders."

Cohen, Donald Trump's personal attorney at the time, paid Daniels $ 130,000 for signing the non-bashing agreement through a screen company, 11 days ago. before the presidential election of 2016. Cohen recently pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges against him regarding this payment. Cohen also admitted that he had done so on behalf of Trump to prevent the news from influencing the elections.

The book will go on sale Oct. 2, said Daniels.

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