Strange moment on "Fox & Friends" as a journalist trying to "thwart" the border of a migrant family


"Fox & Friends" took a strange turn in its immigration cover Tuesday morning, when the show's hosts documented a family of Central American migrants crossing the US border at McAllen, in Texas.

Griff Jenkins, a journalist, can be seen hiding in the bushes waiting to deter a family from crossing. "We went to the bushes to wait," Jenkins told the viewers, "and we ended one of these smuggling operations."

One can see a family boarding a raft to cross the Rio Grande, and Jenkins cries clumsily after them: "Excuse me, sir, have you tried to cross illegally to America? Jenkins continues, "We see a family being brought in by a smuggler. This is an attempt to cross illegally. It seems that we have foiled this attempt, but officials tell us that he is probably looking for another place. "

However, the segment does not stop there. Jenkins then follows the family – whose images have been blurred on the screen – and confronts them about their reasons for immigrating.

"You know it's an illegal passage? And you came anyway? Why did you come, do I ask you? Can you tell me why you came illegally? "

You can hear the unnamed woman saying, "The situation in Honduras. You can not have work there because criminals will always have your money. "

Jenkins ends the segment by noting that not only do women and children cross the border, but also criminals, citing the case of a man arrested in South Carolina for murder charges in his home country .

"Your heart goes to their skin and there is a situation in which we allow refugees in the country," said Brian Kilmeade, co-host of "Fox & Friends," during the show. "There must be some order, a method and a practice to practice. You can not just have random people arrive. But how to highlight the human aspect. "

Immigration continues to be a politically charged topic as the interim period approaches. The second "caravan" of migrants, carrying between 7,000 and 10,000 Central American migrants, is largely composed of Hondurans fleeing crime, violence and crime in their country. The migrant group has entered Mexico from Guatemala and is now heading to the US border.

The Honduran authorities claim that at least two men have died so far during their journey. One of them fell off a truck in Mexico and the other was killed trying to board a truck in Guatemala, reports Reuters.

The caravan in Mexico is still far from the US border and Mexican authorities still hope to dispel the hope of doing so before going so far, encouraging migrants to seek asylum in Mexico.

President Trump's radical immigration policy has already sparked national controversy, particularly the "zero tolerance" policy that has led to the separation of families and the imprisonment of children near the border. border. Recently, Trump promised to send troops to the border to block the caravan, claiming that their intention to migrate was "an assault on our country," according to USA Today.

In the opinion of all, Trump and the Republicans think that his electoral base enthusiastically supports his immigration policy. With just two weeks away from the mid-term elections, the president is likely hoping that these recent titles will play in favor of the Republicans.

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