Strawberry Crisis: Eight Simple Ways to Use Your Fruit Extras | Food


As fear of sabotage of strawberry needles expands across Australia, supermarkets pull nets from their shelves while farmers dump their crops in the fields.

Health officials advise consumers to exercise extreme caution when buying fruit, but if you prefer not to discard strawberries, there are many ways to use them.

Top model Natasha Poly is a fan of a strawberry mask rich in vitamin C, while advocates of natural beauty blend crushed strawberries with baking soda to help whiten teeth. Domestic brewers could mix their own strawberry wine, while enterprising Australian farmers would already use strawberry beer.

If you prefer to stay in the kitchen, we have collected eight easy and delicious recipes of finely chopped strawberries.

Strawberry jam

Felicity Cloake has the ultimate recipe for strawberry jam

Felicity Cloake has the ultimate recipe for strawberry jam. Photo: Felicity Cloake for the keeper

Cooking a lot of strawberry jam is an obvious way to use an excess and Felicity Cloake has the ultimate recipe.

makes 4 jars of 200 ml

2kg small ripe strawberries
1.7 kg of jam sugar
Juice of 2 lemons

Hull the strawberries and throw the rotten ones. Set aside about 10 of the smaller berries, then crush the rest to obtain a rough pulp. Put in a large heavy-bottomed saucepan, add sugar and lemon juice and bring to a boil. Add the remaining strawberries to the pan and put a saucer in the freezer.

Boil the jam for about 15 minutes, stirring regularly and checking the set point every minute or so every minute. To do this, take the cold saucer out of the freezer, put some jam in it and put it back in the fridge for a minute. If it creases when you push it with your finger, then it's over. The strawberry jam should not be very solid, so do not expect the same results as with a marmalade.

Remove the fire and skim the pink scum. Pour into sterilized jars and cover with a wax paper disc, seal and store.

Strawberry vinaigrette

Prepare Rachel Kelly's strawberry vinaigrette for use as a vinaigrette:

200g fresh strawberries
2 tablespoons of cider vinegar
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 small clove garlic minced very finely (optional)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1-2 teaspoons of sugar (or to taste)
Fresh thyme leaves

Pour all the ingredients of the dressing into a blender and whisk until smooth. Adjust the seasoning to taste.

Strawberry granita

Watermelon, strawberry and lime granita

Granite of watermelon, strawberry and lime. Photo: Louise Hagger for the keeper

Yotam Ottolenghi's watermelon and strawberry watermelon is a refreshing and light way to finish a meal.

serves 4

½ small seedless watermelon, peeled, cut into 2 cm pieces (net weight 350 g)
150g ripe strawberries, shelled, coarsely chopped
5 g of makrut leaves, stems removed, then blitzed in a spice mill (or very finely chopped)
125g of glucose
4 limes – finely grate the skin to obtain 2 tbsp. At zest tea, then juice 2 to get 3 tbsp. cut the rest into quarters, to serve
2 tablespoons vodka
2 tbsp. In powdered sugar

Put the two fruits in a large container and freeze them until solid – about two hours.

Meanwhile, put two-thirds of the makrut leaves in a small saucepan with glucose, lime juice and zest and vodka, and gently heat over medium heat until the glucose has melted and be hot. Infuse, preferably for at least one hour, then warm until mixture is hot and liquid. Pass through a fine mesh sieve and discard the pieces of lime leaves. Put the frozen fruit and makrut syrup in a blender and blitz until the mixture is smooth and frothy.

Transfer all to a container, cover with a lid or plastic wrap and freeze until firm – about three hours. Meanwhile, mix remaining shredded lime leaves with powdered sugar. Serve the granita with a little lime sugar sprinkled on top and quarters of lime.

Strawberry summer pudding

Tom Hunt's English Summer Pudding recipe is fast and easy to assemble, although it is best to prepare it the day before serving it so that the bread absorbs the juices and is completely dried.

serves 4-6
300g of macerated strawberries
200g mixed summer fruits (raspberries, currants and blackberries)
Lemon juice
50g of honey or to taste
4-6 slices sourdough bread, cut 1-2 cm thick, crusts removed
Double cream, to serve

Put macerated strawberries in a saucepan with mixed summer fruits. Add lemon juice, honey and 50 ml of water. Taste and add more honey if necessary. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 2 minutes, then set aside.

Line a 1-liter pudding basin with slices of bread. Place a roll of bread in the bottom, then place the pieces on the sides by slightly overlapping them. Press the joints to seal them with a little water. Fill the breadbox with summer fruits, keeping a few tablespoons of juice for later. Cover the top of the fruit with bread and seal against the walls.

Place a small plate on top, then one more weight. I use my pestle and mortar, but anything that is clean and heavy will do the trick.

The next day, carefully remove the pudding on a plate. Use the saved juices to paint on top to refresh them. Serve with a lot of fresh cream.

Lassi with strawberries

Replace the smoothie with Rachel Kelly's delicious lassi of strawberries and coconut.

serves 2

350g strawberries, shelled and chopped, reserve a few to decorate
1 tablespoon of sugar or more to taste
Natural yoghurt 150 ml
90 ml of coconut milk
2 tablespoons fresh cream (optional)
150-200g ice cubes, crushed (optional)

Blitz the strawberries and sugar together until smooth. Taste and adjust the sweet taste with more sugar, if necessary. Add yoghurt and coconut milk. Pulse up to smooth and creamy consistency. Add the crushed ice, a spoonful of fresh cream (if necessary) and a few thin slices of strawberry.

Strawberry straps

Claire Thomson's strawberry leather

The strawberry leather by Claire Thomson. Photo: Claire Thompson for the keeper

Claire Thomson's recipe for strawberry fruit straps – AKA fruit leather – is fun to do with kids. Although cooking takes time, it is healthier than commercial versions.

makes about 18 bands / rolls of finger width.

300g of apple (about two), peeled and hollowed
500g strawberries, stems removed
1 teaspoon of cooking oil

Preheat the oven to 50 ° C. Put the fruit in a saucepan with a lid and cook on medium heat for about 10 minutes, until they are completely soft. Once cooled, push the pulp through a sieve.

Line a baking sheet about 35 cm x 30 cm with lightly oiled parchment paper. Pour the pulp on the baking sheet so that it reaches a thickness of about ½ cm. Put in the oven for about 12 hours. It must be tanned and dry to the touch. Peel off the paper and cut it in any shape. keep in a tightly closed container.

Strawberry jelly

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has a strawberry jelly recipe with a little kick. His advice for capturing as many bubbles as possible is to make sure that the jelly is just still liquid and that the fizz is very, very cold when you pour it.

serves 6

250g strawberries
150g of powdered sugar
Zest and juice of a lemon
Zest and juice of 1 orange
5 sheets of gelatin (we use silver)
500ml of sparkling wine

Hull the strawberries and saute them in a saucepan with the caster sugar, the zest and the citrus juice and 250 ml of water. Simmer for five minutes, until the strawberries are tender. Filter, either in a bag of jelly, or in two layers of muslin and suspended in a large saucepan, to obtain a syrup of strawberries. Press a little, if you want, to get out as much as possible.

Soak the gelatin in cold water for five to ten minutes to soften it. While they are softening, heat the syrup in a saucepan – do not let it boil; you want it to be just hot enough to dissolve the gelatin. Drain the gelatin sheets in a sieve for a minute, then incorporate the hot and fruity liquid until dissolved. Let cool, then cool in the fridge until thick enough and syrupy.

While you wait for it to thicken, put a bottle of sparkling wine in the freezer (you want to freeze it for at least 30 to 40 minutes Heresy, I know, but it works for our needs). When the syrup and wine are both very cold, slowly pour 500 ml of the sparkling wine on the side of the bowl and into the jelly – the more you pour slowly, the less it will lather, whatever you want. Pour gently into a dish or dishes, cover and refrigerate until the socket, at least four hours.

Daiquiris with strawberry

And if you need a proper drink after all this, Tom Hunt also has an easy recipe for strawberry cocktails.

does 4-6
300g of macerated strawberries
2 tablespoons sugar
3 handles of ice
150ml of grappa or vodka
4-6 strawberries, to serve

Using a high blender, mix the ingredients until smooth. Serve immediately in martini or wine glasses with a strawberry on the side to decorate.

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