Strawberry Moon 2018: June Meaning of the IMPORTANT Historical Wedding of the Full Moon | Science | New


The June Heavenly Event takes its name from the Native American tribes who marked it as the beginning of the strawberry harvest season

However, crops in Europe also call it the Honeymoon or Moon Meades for marital traditions.

Bob Berman, who directs the Overlook Observatory in Woodstock, claimed that the term derives from ancient European wedding customs such as the tradition of taking the "sweet" holidays during the full moon of June.

He said: This phrase dates back nearly half a millennium, to 1552, but one thing has changed.

"Marriages have changed and are now most often held in August or September.

"The idea was that marriage is like the phases of the moon, with the full moon being analogous to a wedding.

Mr. Berman added: "Meaning, it's the happiest and most" brilliant moment in a relationship. "

Europeans also had a custom of giving a newlywed couple ("honey")

The seventh moon of the year officially reached its peak on Thursday at 5:53 (French time), but it is still visible today.

This year, the June heavenly event was particularly interesting as it happened during the Saturn opposition, when Saturn is the closest and brightest of the year

The Next important lunar event to honor our heavens will be lunar. eclipse at the end of July

The eclipse should take place between July 27 and 28 and will be the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century

The rare occurrence will be observed in large parts of Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and South America, however the United States will not be able to enjoy the celestial event.

The eclipse will also be a Moon of Blood, and will become a strange red color.

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