stress: Do you have trouble managing stress at work? Meditation can be the answer, can stimulate emotional intelligence


NEW YORK: Do you have trouble dealing with work-related stress? According to one study, practicing a form of silent meditation at your workplace can lead to significant improvements in emotional intelligence as well as perceived stress.

The study found that those who meditated more regularly had a higher emotional quotient and perceived lower perceived stress, also called psychological stress – the most common workplace health problems among workers worldwide.

They also showed improvements in general mood, stress management, adaptability, intrapersonal awareness and reality testing.

Emotional intelligence

This indicates that emotional intelligence has a moderating effect on psychological well-being and mental health, the researchers said.

"This study demonstrates the benefits of workplace meditation," said Lawrence Valosek, executive director of the Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education – a US-based non-profit organization.

"And with a growing body of research on the value of emotional intelligence and the detrimental effects of psychological stress, organizations are looking to give their employees tools to reduce stress and develop skills like centering, awareness of self and empathy, "he added.

The study, published in the journal The Permanente Journal, included nearly 100 staff from the central office.

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The team found that for a period of four months, those who practiced transcendental meditation – a form of silent meditation – had found a significant improvement in emotional intelligence and perceived stress compared to the witnesses.

Research has highlighted the role of emotional intelligence and perceived stress as important factors associated with mental and physical health and organizational effectiveness.

According to the World Health Organization, psychological stress negatively affects organizational commitment, commitment to work and productivity, while contributing to poor physical and mental health.

Emotional intelligence has attracted considerable attention to the workplace because of its positive association with physical and mental health and its connection to leadership ability and performance.

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