Students spell racial insults at half-time


Students from a Georgia high school sparked controversy after spelling racial insults at a show at halftime last week.

The incident occurred during a football game on Friday night, when Brookwood High School in Gwinnett County clashed with a nearby school. Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

During the halftime show, four members of the Brookwood High Band gathered in a formation, so that the covers of their instruments spelled out the word "coon" instead of "broncos" – the mascot of the band. 'school.

In a statement to PEOPLE, school principal William Bo Ford Jr. revealed that the stunt had been "intentionally planned" by three students.

"After lengthy interviews with many students, we determined that three elderly people had deliberately planned and used the Sousaphone reinforcements to state a completely unacceptable racist term," he said, adding that he seems to have followed the schedule at the last minute. "

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"However, the four students knew what was going to happen and what they were saying during the half-time show. In our interviews, the students – including two African-Americans, an Asian and a Hispanic – said that this was meant as a joke and that they thought it would be funny. However, they acknowledged that they knew that this racist term was not acceptable, "he added.

Ford also said in its statement that the four students would be punished, along with two other students who provided false information to the school regarding the incident.

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Ford also sent a letter of apology to parents for this disturbing incident, calling the use of this racial insult "offensive, disrespectful and disappointing".

In the letter obtained by PEOPLE, the principal explained that the instrument covers, which are not usually worn on the ground, are supposed to spell the name of the mascot of the team, the Broncos.

After the incident, the school will review its show procedures at halftime, reported the Associated Press.

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