Studies warn against minimally invasive surgery for cervical cancer


In this case, the F.D.A. intervened and recommended that the devices not be used "in the vast majority of women" undergoing fibroid surgery. Their use has decreased significantly.

Morcellation is not used in cervical cancer surgery. During a minimally invasive surgery, the uterus is removed intact through the vagina.

The study included 631 women and 33 hospitals in the United States, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Italy, China, Australia and Mexico.

The findings relate to a relatively small number of women in the United States, where screening has reduced the incidence of cervical cancer to about 13,000 cases per year, with approximately 4,000 deaths. But around the world, cervical cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death among women, with 570,000 cases a year and 270,000 deaths.

The disease is caused in almost every case by the human papilloma virus, HPV, an extremely common, sexually transmitted virus. In most people, the immune system eliminates the virus and they never knew that they were infected. But in some cases, it persists and can cause cervical cancer and other malignant tumors.

Dr. Ramirez said that women with cervical cancer should discuss the types of surgery with their doctor and should "question the approach of practicing minimally invasive surgery if it is not possible." It is suggested to them.

Dr. Amanda N. Fader, director of the Gynecology-Oncology Department at Kelly Johns Hopkins University and author of an editorial that accompanies the studies, said the results had "dealt a blow to the mini surgical method -invasive cervical cancer ". . Johns Hopkins also interrupted the procedure, returning to open surgery "for the moment," she said.

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