Studio Roosegaarde's laser light tracks floating space debris | live


A dazzling green neon show illuminates the night sky with the latest large-scale art installation by Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde, Space Waste Lab Performance. Created in the Space Waste Lab, the performance uses real-time tracking information to make visible space waste floating above our heads using bright green LEDs that track the movement of drifting waste. The series of live installations kicked off October 5 in Almere, Holland, and aims to draw attention to the problem of wasting space as well as to solutions sustainable upgradeable recycling.

person looking at green lights in the dark sky

According to Studio Roosegaarde, there are currently more than 29,000 space wastes, worth about 8.1 million kilograms, which float around the earth. Classified as objects larger than 10 centimeters, the waste includes all elements, from broken rocket parts to chipped satellite parts. The drifting daffodil is a danger for today's satellites and can disrupt digital communications. However, there is no clear plan on how to solve the growing problem. In response, the Dutch design studio has launched Space Waste Lab with the support of the European Space Agency (European Space Agency) to draw attention to this problem and find ways to transform waste into sustainable products.

green laser lights in a dark sky

crowd looking up at the green laser in the dark sky

The Space Waste Lab Performance which was launched earlier this month marks the first phase of the living laboratory. Designed in accordance with stringent safety and aeronautics regulations, this large-scale light show uses state-of-the-art camera software and technology to track drifting space losses in real time with green neon LEDs. power projecting a distance of 125,000 to 136,000 miles.

two people looking at green laser light in the dark sky

people in the room looking at the search

"I strongly believe in the cooperation between technologists and artists," said Franco Ongaro, director of ESA, about the Space Waste Lab. "Artists not only communicate vision and feelings to the public, but also help us discover aspects of our work that we are often unable to perceive. This cooperation is all the more important when it comes to issues such as space debris, which may one day affect our future and our ability to make the most of it. space. We need to speak in different ways, not only to discuss the arid technological aspects of technology, but also for the emotions associated with the struggle to preserve this environment for future generations. "

person holding a glass cube

reflective green lights of the city in the sky

Related: Daan Roosegaarde unveils a 295-foot SPACE installation in expansion in Eindhoven

Space Waste Lab will be open to the public at the Kunstlinie of Almere until 19 January 2019 and will be completed by the "Space @ KAF" exhibition next door. The performance of the Space Waste Lab will be exposed after sunset on the nights of October 5th and 6th; November 9 and 10; December 7 and 8; and January 18 and 19, 2019. The street lights and surrounding commercial streets will then be turned off to enhance the experience. Phase 2 of the program will begin after January 2019 and will explore ways to capture and reclaim waste from space.

+ Studio Roosegaarde

Via Dezeen

Images via Studio Roosegaarde

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