Study: Doctors give patients only a few seconds to explain the reason for the visit before interrupting


Have you ever felt rushed while visiting a doctor? Most doctors do not give their patients enough time to explain the reason for their visit, according to a new study.

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Researchers at the University of Florida, Gainesville, recently conducted a study, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, to explore clinical encounters between physicians and their physicians. patients. thus, they evaluated the first minutes of consultations between 112 patients and their doctors between 2008 and 2015. The encounters they examined were filmed in different clinics in the United States.

Scientists have observed whether doctors are inviting patients to set the agenda with questions such as "What can I do for you?" They also took notes on whether patients were interrupted answering the questions and in what way.

After analyzing the results, they found that 36% of the patients agenda. However, they were interrupted 11 seconds on average after starting their statements. Those who have not been interrupted have finished speaking after about six seconds.

They said that primary care physicians have given more time than specialists because specialists usually know the purpose of a visit.

"If done with respect and in the best interest of the patient, interruptions of the patient's speech can clarify or focus the conversation, and thus benefit the patients," said co-author Singh Ospina in a statement. "Still, it seems rather unlikely that an interruption, even to clarify or focus, could be beneficial at the beginning of the encounter."

Although they are not clear why doctors do not allow patients to talk longer, they believe time constraints, not enough training on how to communicate with patients and exhaustion professional can be factors.

Scientists now hope to further explore their investigations into the ultimate experience of physician visits and outcomes.

"Our findings suggest that we are far from having patient-centered care," she says.

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