Study finds link between poor sleep and unhealthy lifestyle in children – The Siasat Daily


Washington DC. [USA], November 13 (ANI): Parents, take note! According to one study, sleep deficiency in children is linked to poor diet, obesity and increased time spent in front of a screen.

The results are published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.

The results show that an insufficient sleep duration was associated with unhealthy eating habits such as breakfast jump (adjusted odds ratio of 1.30), fast food consumption (OR 1.35) and regular consumption of candy (OR 1.32). Insufficient sleep duration was also associated with increased screen time (OR 1.26) and overweight / obese (OR 1.21).

"About 40% of the students in the study slept less than what was recommended," said lead author Labros Sidossis of Rutgers University in New Jersey, New Brunswick. "Insufficient sleep levels were associated with poor eating habits, increased screen time, and obesity in both sexes."

The demographic data come from a school health survey conducted in Greece among 177,091 children (including 51% male) aged 8 to 17 years old. Dietary habits, usual sleep times on weekdays and weekends, the state of physical activity and sedentary activities were assessed using electronic questionnaires filled in at the same time. 39; school.

Children who reported sleeping less than nine hours a day and adolescents who slept less than eight hours a day were classified as having insufficient sleep. Anthropometric and fitness measurements were obtained by physical education teachers.

A greater proportion of men than women (42.3% vs. 37.3%) and children compared to adolescents (42.1% vs. 32.8%) reported a duration of sleep insufficient. Adolescents with insufficient sleep duration also had lower aerobic fitness and physical activity.

"The most surprising finding was that aerobic fitness was associated with sleep patterns," said Sidossis. "In other words, better sleep habits were associated with better levels of aerobic fitness. We can assume that adequate sleep results in higher energy levels during the day. Therefore, children who sleep well may be more physically active during the day and therefore have a higher aerobic capacity. "

The authors noted that the findings support the development of interventions to help students improve sleep time.

"Insufficient sleep time in children is an underestimated health problem in Westernized societies," said Sidossis. "Taking into account these epidemiological findings, parents, teachers, and health professionals should promote strategies that emphasize healthy sleep habits for school-aged children in terms of quality and safety. duration. "

Source: ANI

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