Study: Hundreds of dietary supplements contain potentially hazardous and unapproved ingredients


Some people use dietary supplements to lose weight or build muscle, but these pills may contain unapproved ingredients that can be harmful to the body, according to a new report.

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Researchers at the California Department of Public Health's Food and Drugs Directorate recently conducted a study, published in the JAMA Network Open, to explore ingredients in marketed dietary supplements to improve sexual performance. , weight loss or bodybuilding.

To do this, they reviewed the Food and Drug Administration's Contaminated Product Database marketed under the name Dietary Supplements_CDER from 2007 to 2016. This information includes "potentially harmful products containing hidden ingredients marketed to consumers over the Internet and in retail outlets, "reads on the FDA website.

After analyzing the results, they discovered that nearly 800 non-prescription food supplements from 2007 to 2016 contained unapproved drug ingredients. In fact, the report reveals that more than 20% of these supplements contained more than one unapproved pharmaceutical ingredient.

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Of the unapproved products, nearly 46% were for sexual performance, 41% for weight loss and 12% for muscle building.

"These products can have serious adverse health effects due to accidental misuse, overuse or interaction with other medications, underlying health problems." or drugs contained in the same dietary supplement, "wrote the authors in a study.

The most used pharmaceutical ingredient in weight loss pills was sibutramine, a drug withdrawn from the US market in 2010 due to cardiovascular risks. Many muscle building products contained anabolic steroids, which can cause mental health problems as well as liver, kidney and heart problems if misused. Sexual enhancement capsules had active ingredients contained in erectile dysfunction medications that damaged the blood vessels in case of overuse.

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Although the FDA can inform companies of unapproved ingredients in a product, the agency "sometimes has a hard time discouraging the fraudulent marketing of this type of product," according to CNN.

This is why the authors believe that "it is essential to further address this important public health issue as the dietary supplement industry continues to grow in the United States."

Do you want to know more about the study? Take a look at the full evaluation here.

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