Study reveals Earth's rivers cover 44% more land than scientists thought


A new study found that rivers and streams cover more land than scientists originally designed. More space for rivers could play a role in climate change.
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Rivers are often overlooked about the role of these water masses in the terrestrial environment, but new research shows that humans may want to pay more attention to them.

What was discovered about rivers on Earth? The study found that all rivers and streams in the world cover 44% more land than previously estimated by scientists. A combination of all the rivers of the world would exceed the size of Texas.

The study was published in the journal Science on June 28.

Rivers and streams total about 300,000 square miles. That's about half a percent of the entire non-terrestrial land area on Earth.

Rivers in areas with many people tended to be narrower and sparser. Scientists believe that people have used water in nearby rivers for food and other purposes.

How did scientists discover this detail on rivers?

The effort behind this study consisted of two parts. First, the researchers examined thousands of images captured by NASA satellites. From there, the software calculated the total number of rivers and streams on Earth. They added the sizes of them. In the second part, a student team checked if the software accurately found rivers instead of roads

Future implications of this study on rivers

This study could prove to be a important catalyst for climate change. Rivers usually exchange greenhouse gases with the atmosphere. More rivers on Earth would release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, especially if humans pollute the rivers. Substances such as fertilizers are found in rivers and can cause many environmental problems. This study serves as a reminder that when humans pollute the rivers, it could damage the atmosphere.

"It was assumed until 2006 that rivers and lakes were only a pipeline carrying carbon to the ocean," said John Downing, limnologist and biogeochemist . Gizmodo. "But rivers are leaking gases into the atmosphere."

The map produced by the researchers of the study could be very useful in the future. It can be used to predict river flows as seasons change. Throughout the year, the map could help to better understand the floods, which could be helpful for people living near the water. The map could also be an important piece in the puzzle of scientists trying to determine the impact of climate change on the Earth.


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