Study reveals half of the latest online hatred of Jedi came from Trolls


Rian Johnson would like to draw your attention, please, to an article recently published by Morten Bay researcher entitled "Weaponizing The Haters: The last Jedi and the strategic politicization of pop culture through the manipulation of social media, "which plunges deep into online criticism directed against the director about his appearance of deep division Star wars movie. Although there seems to be a ton of conflict between fans about The last Jedi"Weaponizing The Haters" finds that many of those who hate the film in Johnson's mentions do not do so out of pure dislike for the 2017 franchise, but rather to sow political antipathy and online chaos. We know. You are shocked.

Writes Bay, "The results of the study show that among those who turn to The last Jedi Director Rian Johnson directly on Twitter to express his dissatisfaction, more than half of them are bots, trolls / socks puppets or political activists who use the debate to spread political messages supporting causes of death. extreme right and discrimination of gender, race or might not be so surprised to hear by this point, "[a] many of these users seem to be Russian trolls. "Partly concludes the study:" Overall, 50.9% of those who tweeted were probably motivated by political reasons or were not even human. In addition, only 21.9% of the tweets analyzed were negative.

All this does not mean that Rian Johnson did not really have a horror The last Jedibut rather that the negative online attention that Johnson himself received was, in large part, apparently intended to pursue certain political ends and to encourage "a narrative of widespread discord and dysfunction in American society". As for the rest of us … well, that extraterrestrial milk scene was just not for everyone. You can read the full document here.

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