Sullenberger denounces leaders "cowards and accomplices"


Chelsey "Sully" Sullenberger became the "Hero of the Hudson" for piloting the 1549 flight of 154 passengers to safety in 2009.

For example, the retired US Airways pilot and the Air Force veteran believe he knows something about the need for political leaders to face complex challenges and to demonstrate , integrity and concern for the common good "new forum for the Washington Post.

Chesley B. Sullenberger III while he was a pilot in the United States. AP Photo / Safety Reliability Methods, Inc.)

Sullenberger warned in the gallery that the "fabric" of the United States was under attack, with too many people in power – "cowardly complicit facilitators" – projecting the worst qualities. That's why people have to go to the polls next week to vote in the mid-term elections for leaders who "are committed to the values ​​that will unite and protect us," he said.

"It's not America that I know and love," wrote Sullenberger, 67, who lived in Danville until the sale of his home in August. "We are better than that."

In Sullenberger's gallery, he does not give names, but it's easy to think he could write about President Donald Trump and the people in power who do not keep him up.

Sullenberger wrote that he was a registered Republican for "the top 85%" of his adult life, but he declared that he had always "voted as an American".

Sullenberger protested against the interests of the United States, our allies and democracy. encourage extremists at home and encourage our opponents abroad; and threatening the quality of life of our planet. "

He added that many of these leaders "do not respect the functions they occupy" and that they miss – or ignore "a basic knowledge of history, science and leadership. "

Sullenberger wrote how he acquired a "sudden renown" in January 2009, when he landed safely on the Hudson River after a collision with a bird. His water landing was heroic enough to attract Clint Eastwood to make a movie, in which he would play Tom Hanks in the 2016 movie.

Sullenberger explained that this fame presented him with the "obligation" to use his bully pulpit for good. In recent years, this involved writing and talking about aviation leadership and safety.

But Sullenberger said our "toxic political environment" made him feel that he had a new mission: "as a defender of our democracy".

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