Summer Skin Care Tips – JewishLink New Jersey


Summer is a popular time for family vacations and car trips. People also spend more time outdoors playing sports, playing with their children in the park or enjoying a barbecue in the backyard. Here are some tips to keep your skin healthy all summer long.

Make sure to apply a SPF 30+ broad spectrum sunscreen about half an hour before going out and bring an extra bottle of sunscreen to reapply it every two hours or so more often if you are wet or sweaty). Check the expiration date of the sunscreen bottle and discard those who are old. Some sunscreen bottles do not mention an expiration date, so when you buy a new one, put a note indicating when it was purchased so that you are aware of the future. Also, do not store your sunscreen in a warm place like the glove box or trunk of your car. The heat can ruin it and render it ineffective. If you are planning a vacation, be sure to bring sunscreen, sunglasses with UV protection, a brimmed hat and sunscreen clothing.

In addition to sunscreen, you and your family are safe. Wear sunglasses with UV protection to protect your eyes and the delicate skin around the eyes from sun damage such as age-related macular degeneration, cataracts and eye cancer. Plus, when wearing sunglasses, you will no longer need to squint when the sun gets into your eyes, which can eventually cause fine lines and wrinkles.

When buying sunglasses, always look for a label stating that sunglasses offer 99 to 100% UV protection. There are many affordable brands of sunglasses that offer this important feature.

Wear a wide-brimmed hat with at least a 3-inch edge to protect your scalp, ears, and neck from UV exposure. A broad-brimmed hat like a sun hat offers more coverage than a baseball cap. Men who have thinning hair should wear a hat or sunscreen to protect their scalp from exposure to the sun.

The sun's harmful UV rays are the strongest between 10 am and 4 pm Instead of staying outside and sunbathing under the hot sun during these rush hours, try to find another activity such as visiting a museum, going to lunch, etc.

Did you know that you are exposed to the harmful UVA rays of the sun through the side and rear windows of your car? You might consider buying a clear window film, which is an effective way to block UVA and UVB rays. (Of course, the windows must be closed even if you have installed the clear film on your car.)

If you have a car with a hood or sunroof, be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat and a Sun screen. to protect your scalp, your face and your neck. Research has shown that skin cancers are more common on the left side of the driver. You may not have realized it, but when you rest your left arm on the windowsill of the car while driving or sitting in traffic, it increases your risk of skin cancer on exposed skin. Minimize your risk by keeping your window closed and your hands on the wheel.

It's important to protect yourself from UVA because it increases your risk of skin cancer and premature aging like wrinkles and sunspots. You also get increased exposure to UVA when flying in an airplane due to the altitude. You must apply SPF 30+ sunscreen on your face, neck, ears and hands even when you are inside a plane. If you have a window seat, close the lampshade.

Although we tend to associate dry and cracked skin in the winter, your skin may still dry out in the summer. For example, some people have dry skin after swimming in the pool. If you are looking for a lighter alternative instead of the thick cream you used during the winter, try a lotion. If you have sensitive skin, use unscented skin care products.

If you have sensitive skin and plan a vacation, bring your own lotion, soap, shampoo and conditioner to the hotel. Many hotels offer small bottles of toiletries, but they often contain scents and other ingredients that can cause a skin reaction in people allergic to certain ingredients.

Drink water or water infused with fruit. It is important for your overall health to stay well hydrated in hot weather. You can also stay hydrated by eating healthy fruits and vegetables containing a lot of water like watermelon, strawberries, oranges, cucumbers and even tomatoes.

Try to plan your trip before going to eat a healthy meal. Prepackaged kosher air meals often contain a lot of sodium, so it's a good idea to pack other meals and healthy snacks. For a snack, you can pack fresh fruit (such as apples, peaches, grapes or berries), cut vegetables or nuts. Another option would be to bring with you a can of tuna, cheese sticks, plain yogurt or hummus and vegetables

By Dr. Margaret Ravits

Dr. Ravits is a certified dermatologist who provides full skin, hair and nail treatment to adults and children in his River Edge and Hackensack offices. Learn more about it at

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