Sunday Focus: Residents reports breast cancer awareness stories



NATCHEZ – October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Miss-Lou residents have shown their support for breast cancer research through several programs and fundraising opportunities.

Statistics show that 1 in 8 women will be affected by breast cancer and if they have not been affected by breast cancer themselves, just about everyone knows who has been affected by breast cancer.

This personal connection leads many people to become involved in fund raising and raising awareness of the disease.

Below we present the personal stories of several people in the Miss-Lou who are active in the fight against breast cancer.

Concerts 4 the Cure

One breast cancer fundraising program underway is a series of dubbed concerts, "Concerts 4 the Cure."

Dan Gibson, the face of the fundraising effort, had been nominated to represent Natchez in the American Cancer Society's "Real Men's Wear Pink" competition.

Gibson said that it was early in the day and wore the color pink proudly. For him, the cause is very close to home, Gibson said.

"My grandmother passed away from breast cancer in 1959," Gibson said. "My mother passed away from cancer in 1990 at the age of 60, but we do not know if it was breast cancer or not. … She would not go to the doctor. … The cause is very close and close to me. "

In memoriam

Gibson said the person who is a very close friend of his, Cora Beth Hartfield.

Hartfield and her sister Meade have avidly supported the cause since their mother, Sherry Pierce Hartfield, died of breast cancer a year ago in August, she said.

"I nominated Dan in honor and in memory of my mother," Hartfield said. She had stage inflammation of breast cancer. … It's known as a silent killer, because it does not show up on mammograms. "

Hartfield said her mother discovered a rash and went to the doctor. However, she had no itching or discomfort from it, Hartfield said. By the time Sherry was diagnosed at 64 years of age, her cancer had metastasized – which ruled out surgery, Hartfield said.

Sherry received comfort and treatment at Hederman Cancer Center in Jackson, Hartfield said.

The American Cancer Society Assisted Sherry with her care while she was being treated, Hartfield said.

"She was given to six months to live, but she lived five years later," she said. "Dan spoke and read a poem at my mom's funeral. … He was always a real man in pink, but after I nominated him for the role he just stepped it up a notch. "

Team Natchez's "Concerts 4 the Cure" has been awarded a total of $ 20,000 for the American Cancer Society, possibly putting the city in the top 10 of the most raised funds for cancer research nationally, Gibson said.

Spreading the faith

Hartfield said her mother's diagnosis was a shock, but her mother used it as an opportunity to spread her faith to other victims of cancer.

"My mother did not look at cancer like it was the end," Hartfield said. "She looked at the chance to live and live every day to her fullest. … We're here today. God gave me a lot and I'm blessed. "

Hartfield said she and Meade made "Team Sherry" T-shirts and bracelets to show their support for their mother, and Gibson joined the American Cancer Society's efforts to help.

"The best medicine was not chemotherapy," Hartfield said. "It's the friends and family that are there through it all. … To see a guy be bold and wear pink – and be proud of it – it meant a lot to her.

"I think cancer research should be on the forefront all the time, but it is personal for me. It's important for me to raise awareness, but more importantly, I want to cure it. "


Self-examination led Natchez resident Sandy Taylor 12 years ago, Taylor said.

"I was deep, deep in stress and I always had my exams and mammograms, but I happened to feel under my right arm," said Taylor.

Taylor's husband, Tom, was scared and insisted on being examined right away. She did, and she found out Stage 3 breast cancer.

"I definitely want to encourage women to self-examine themselves because of all the equipment, sometimes they do not find anything," Taylor said.


Several options are available for chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

"That year of chemo and then the radiation; it was not fun, let's put it that way, "she said.

It was her husband, Tom, who helped her through the hard time, Taylor said, when she was offered a convertible sports car and a Labrador retriever.

"One night I'm coming to see you," said Taylor. "I dropped my books and sat on the floor, and I said her name, I knew I would call her Magnolia. She is 12 today and we still have her. "

Preventive measure

But the fight was not over for Taylor and her husband, as the need for surgery returned.

"Time went on and then they decided to take a break from the first time," Taylor said. "I have had a lot of surgeries and I do not care what I do not care for."

Taylor said she is very active in support of breast cancer awareness. She sells products for Mary K, which donates to breast cancer awareness. Taylor is also involved in the American Cancer Society and last year participated in Paint Natchez Pink Day.

Regular checkups

Natchez resident Faith Stretch is deeply involved in breast cancer research.

In 2011, Stretch was diagnosed with a breast cancer through a mammogram, and she received a double mastectomy. In 2015, she was diagnosed with breast cancer again as she metastasized to the bones of her spine and hips. After years of chemotherapy and radiation.

Stretch said to have a two-time breast cancer survivor she has seen too many friends die for lack of early detection. Stretch said she encourages everyone to be checked regularly.

"A lot of people are afraid to do so, but they do not have the money (for routine screening tests)," Stretch said. "I'm very much interested in getting people to be early detection."

River Runs Pink

Stretch Chairs The River Runs 5K Pink run / walk in Natchez, which drew about 150 people this month, she said. The funds raised to benefit the Susan G. Komen, a foundation for cancer research, and to provide free mammograms in Natchez, Stretch said.

Stretch participates in many breast cancer-related events throughout the year, she said, adding it's a lifestyle that is promoted in the Pink Runs River's motto "Give, Love, Run."

"Give support, show love and run," Stretch said. "I usually start around April and just got ready, and we're very thankful to our good supporters."

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