Sunday Morning Quarterback: Three post-games on Pitt's 51-6 destruction by Penn State


1. So what do we do with Franklin v. Narduzzi?

The reason I regret the most that the Penn State-Pittsburgh series ends after next season is that we will no longer be able to watch this annual play between the two main coaches. I can not think of two coaches in high school football who are less alike and I find the drama entertaining as hell.

We know the background after three years of this commercial Certs:

"He East a rivalry! "

"This is not a rivalry."

"He East!!"

"Do not."

"You're making fun of yourself !!!"


The more the Narduzzi seems to be bent, the more Franklin is calm.

At the end of the 51-6 eruption during which Penn State scored 44 points, 37 in the second half, while the clock was heading towards the handshake after the game, you wonder what that could happen. The old jaw press "on the fly" seemed the least possible, both coaches barely tolerating each other. A confrontation of Doug Graber-Joe Paterno, around 1995, seemed the most likely, the blasphemy involved. And a total rejection did not seem out of the question.

Instead, what has happened has been a situation where you are so angry that you are scared and you end up disconnecting your emotions for fear of losing control completely.

In fact, it was the flyby, nothing more. All this highlights the difference of sport between football and baseball, for example. Or hockey.

Can you imagine anything like the Penguins who scored 6-0, adding some lowies in the third period, and the Flyers simply accepted them without the gloves coming off at 3am? Or the Phillies fly on the Pirates with a 9-1 lead in the 8e? Despite all its aspects of bravado and macho veneer, football deals with these things more easily than any other sport. I've always found it fascinating.

2. Penn State never had a player like K.J. Hamler

I tweeted during the game that the Redshirt rookie from Pontiac, Michigan, through IMG Academy, reminds me of one of those mini-mite pinballs that you will find almost expressly in the Southeast Conference. Flamboyant fast, smaller than anyone on the field but maybe a placekicker. Maybe not an entire player, but who cares? He sends waves of excitement into the crowd.

I came with a 2006-09 Louisiana State player who played Nittany Lions in the Capital One Bowl post-2009 – the return and return of Trindon Holiday. Whenever he touched the ball, even on Orlando's flood-plowed field, which seemed to have experienced a trench warfare in the end, you had just anticipated that something could happen.

The fact is that Penn State has never had a player like him, at least not a player who has played a long time and has accomplished a lot at the PSU. I remember most of Michael Timpson who was an absolute burner, a 5-10 track star who only captured 53 passes and scored 2 touchdowns at PSU before having a much bigger career in the NFL with more than 300 catches.

Hamler should surpass Timpson, especially because of the era and regime in which he will play. Penn State fans can hope that it will be closer to the Lions version of Percy Harvin when he plays at college in Florida. The "Human Joy Stick" has the same speed and the same ability to change direction at high speed as Jordan Norwood in the mid-2000s, but with a much better speed. It will be a pleasure to watch.

3. What happened to take the high road while you have 30 points?

Perhaps it's the desire to score style points because of the college football playoffs. But I can not explain why Franklin continually feels the need to unnecessarily endanger his entrances by playing them in the garbage cans. He has done it in the last two years and I see no reason to do it. It's not just bad sportsmanship, it does not even make sense.

It was inexcusable to have Trace McSorley leading the ball with a 37-7 lead in the fourth quarter. Was it really so important for Franklin to stick to Pat Narduzzi just because Pitt's coach was beating gums all week about the issue of "rivalry"? If taking a high road in such a situation makes no sense to him, what about the twist of McSorley's face that took a Pitt defender in the fourth quarter? What if one leg had been planted awkwardly and that he had been injured? Was it worth the score then?

Penn State football has been more fun than I have ever seen since Franklin had this machine running. Considering the heavy style of its legendary predecessor for 46 seasons, this ball brand of the last two years and more can only shine in contrast. But I must say that Joe Paterno has very rarely left his foot on the gas too long to make a small point. In this case, Franklin could learn a lesson from the past.

EMAIL / TWITTER DAVID JONES: [email protected]

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