Washington – A super-political action committee backed by Republican House leaders says it's pulling money for two-term representative Mike Bishop, who is facing a tough opponent in November.

The Congressional Leadership Fund, which has ties to House Speaker Paul Ryan, had earmarked $ 2.1 million of television time in Michigan to help defend the bishop, a Republican of Rochester. These reservations are now canceled.

"Nobody works harder for Michigan families than Mike Bishop," said CLF spokeswoman Courtney Alexander.

"CWF will continue to conduct field operations in these districts and continue to conduct surveys and evaluate races across the country, while doing everything we can to protect the Republican majority."

The group has an office in the 8th arrondissement.

Contender Bishop Elissa Slotkin, a former Holly defense official, raised more money than Bishop during the 2018 cycle, and analysts said the contest was a failure.

Slotkin had close to $ 2.25 million in cash reserves against Bishop's $ 1.68 million war reserve in mid-July.

CLF Executive Director Corey Bliss told the Detroit News this summer that the 8th district of Michigan is among the races he sees as an indicator of the party that could win the majority in November.

Bliss also described the incumbents who were overwhelmed by Democratic contestants as "inexcusable".

"If you're an outgoing Congress member and you're overwhelmed, you should work harder or work on your resume," he said in June.

Bishop's campaign downplayed the importance of closing FCF on Friday, noting the millions of dollars worth of bookings for Bishop still active on behalf of outside groups.

"There are more than $ 5 million in other groups, including NRCC, America First and other conservative groups," said bishop Stu Sandler's consultant. Republican National Committee and Donald Trump Group.

"When voters learn Elissa Slotkin's support for higher taxes, the Iranian agreement and other liberal policies, Mike Bishop's support increases tremendously." Our internal poll shows us the direction and Mike Bishop will be re-elected. "

Michigan GOP strategist, John Yob, tweeted: "It's a bad decision that needs to be re-evaluated." Mike Bishop is well positioned to win, or at least up to this ridiculous new this afternoon. "

Meanwhile, Slotkin's campaign has embraced the news.

"CWF is taking note of the same things we see: Elissa is strengthening its support across the political spectrum because of its bipartisan service and commitment to work on the issues that matter most to people, such as reducing the cost of health care and prescription drugs, "said Slotkin spokeswoman Laura Epstein.

"On the other hand, the bishop representative has a long history of putting his party in the lead and subjecting his super donors to the expense of his constituents."

The abandonment of support for the 8th district of Michigan is part of a brewing by CWF. The group also canceled reservations for Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colorado.

The super PAC announced on Friday that it was investing $ 5 million in bookings in the Los Angles broadcast market, as well as $ 1 million in Wisconsin's 1st district, as well as more than 200,000 dollars in two districts of Iowa and New Mexico.

The group also announced another round of $ 400,000 bookings last week in southwestern Michigan to help defend long-time representative Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph.

When a party cancels media bookings for a candidate, "it's usually a sign of weakness," said Kyle Kondik, who studies home shopping at the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia.

"Maybe they're making Michigan 8 a message to others that if your opponent has angered you, we can not save you," said Kondik.

"I also think that sometimes these committees, even if they can not coordinate, can exchange reserves, maybe they think NRC can cover them in Michigan 8. But that's not good. new for Bishop. "

The 8th Michigan, which includes North Oakland County, Livingston County and part of Ingham County,voted for President Donald Trump with 51% of the vote in 2016 – the same year, Bishop was re-elected by 17 percentage points.

However, according to a poll conducted by the Detroit News-WDIV on September 5-7, Trump's 57 percent odds with Michigan voters pose a problem for Republican candidates.

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