Residents cleaning the debris of the Super Typhoon Yutu.
Dean Sensui / For PDN, Pacific Daily News

HAGATNA, Guam – President Donald Trump has declared A major disaster in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, triggered by the Super Typhoon Yutu, has opened the door for a series of federal recovery assistance, but thousands of residents of Saipan and Tinian still have no access to drinking water or running water on Saturday.

Hundreds of members of the Armed Forces and other federal agencies led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency are currently in Saipan and Tinian for assessment, intervention, and response efforts. recovery.

Relief supplies such as drinking water and food continued to arrive on Saturday.

CNMI Governor Ralph Torres announced at a press conference that his federal partners, FEMA and the Ministry of Defense, as well as local agencies, would give priority to access to the Water, food and medical care.

Military transport

South Korea has sent a military transport plane to Saipan to bring home more than 1,000 Korean tourists stranded because of Yutu, the official Yonhap news agency said.

Edward B. Mendiola, Deputy Director of the Commonwealth Ports Authority, and Del. Gregorio Kilili Sablan, confirmed Saturday the transport of his own citizens by the South Korean government in Saipan.

Saipan International Airport remains closed to commercial airlines because of damage, but military and other planes for humanitarian reasons have started using the airport since Friday.

& # 39; Soudelor again & # 39;

Thousands of people still do not have access to clean water and tap water from Saturday, raising concerns about health and sanitation.

"It's Soudelor again," according to Rep. Ed Propst, member of the House of Representatives of CNMI.

October 25th: Super Typhoon Yutu devastates Northern Mariana Islands

October 24th: The most violent storm ever recorded by the Super Typhoon Yutu hit the US territory, the second strongest to hit the US overall standings

The legislator is referring to Typhoon Soudelor that hit Saipan in 2015 and left the island without water or electricity for four months.

In addition to shutting down the water supply, there is also a massive power outage in Saipan, Tinian and Rota, when Yutu has destroyed hundreds of utility poles and related infrastructure.

Laundromats and Saipan stores have begun reopening, and the Saipan Ice and Star Water line is "ridiculously long," Propst said.

The residents of Saipan said that they had waited until three o'clock on the road early Saturday morning to fill up their fuel tanks at the available petrol stations.

Yutu has almost destroyed neighborhoods, damaged vehicles, schools, hotels, businesses and airports. This resulted in one death and multiple injuries.

178 km / h sustained winds from Yutu passed directly to Tinian. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this is the strongest storm ever recorded.

Trump's 26 October disaster declaration, announced Saturday morning in Saipan, triggers the release of federal funds to help people and communities recover from Yutu, who fell on CNMI's Tinian and Saipan.

This occurs a day after US Secretary of Health Alex Azar declared a public health emergency for the CNMI, which involves sending more than 50 medical and public health personnel, as well as supplies. and medical equipment, on the islands.

As part of a major disaster declaration, the CNMI is about to receive individual assistance to help residents repair their housing and public assistance to help the CNMI government cover costs such as repairs to the property. electrical system.

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"Our islands are resilient"

The CNMI governor's office stated that it would continue to give priority to every person and family affected by the storm by coordinating the distribution of relief, temporary accommodation resources and forging partnerships with local people. federal and private sector partners.

"I would like to thank our President, the White House, FEMA, our federal partners, the Red Cross, the Legislature and all the members of our community, among the first responders, who helped make this happen. Our islands are resilient and we will not stop until each affected person is taken care of, "said the governor of CNMI.

Samson Tan, executive chef of Grandvrios Resort Saipan, said other typhoons had worked with him, but that damage such as broken windows, damaged roofs and major floods in the lobby and parking lot had also been reported. damaged.

"It was a horrible experience of my life. The wind was so strong, "he said.

When he finally arrived home, he almost did not recognize his house because it was badly damaged and everything was soaked.

Tan said he hoped that this time he could receive federal help for what he lost. In previous disasters, he was discouraged by disaster assistance forms asking if he or his children were US citizens. Tan, a native of the Philippines, is one of thousands of foreign workers legally in Saipan.

Reopened ports, more supplies on the way

The US Coast Guard reopened the ports of Saipan, Tinian and Rota at 1300 hours. Saturday.

Guam-based US Coast Guard Sequoia is on its way to Saipan with 20 pallets of rescue equipment, two rescue operators, three side-scan sonar operators and a Navy chaplain, the agency said.

Another ship also based in Guam, Kiska, a coastguard of the US Coast Guard, is en route to Tinian with relief.

Matson Navigation Co. announced Saturday a contribution of $ 125,000, in-kind and in-kind contributions, to Yutu's emergency relief efforts on Saipan and Tinian.

October 26th: Typhoon damage in the US Pacific

His ship Mana left Guam on Friday and arrived in Saipan on Saturday with a regular cargo and container filled with bottled water and ice offered by Matson and equipment from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The company said it has sent two more containers of mineral water and ice from Hawaii, which will arrive Tuesday in Guam to be shipped Thursday to Saipan.

"One village at a time"

In the face of the disaster, community members take up the challenge of reconstruction. Resident of Saipan, Nola Hix, and other members of the Marianas Young Professionals are organizing a post-disaster clean-up operation on the entire island, which begins Sunday.

The team will provide garbage bags, gloves, rakes and other miscellaneous items to help clean neighborhoods.

This would empower volunteers in the concerned villages by giving them the tools they need to help themselves and their neighbors to clean up their homes and yards affected by Yutu, Hix said.

"Let us build each other by doing what we can," said Hix. "Help us restore CNMI, one village at a time."

Hix's family is one of thousands who have been shaken by Yutu's devastation. His mother and brother lost their homes because of the typhoon, which ripped through the roofs and walls and soggy all that the family has.

"My sister was asleep when the roof of my mother 's house gave in. She jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom where she hid in a cupboard. is hidden behind a refrigerator while they thought they were waiting (outside), "Hix said.

Despite the loss of property, Hix and many others are grateful to be with their family again.

"Tomorrow will be another beautiful day in paradise and, as I am more than capable, I will be on the point of helping those in need," Hix said.

Follow Haidee Eugenio on Twitter: @haidee_eugenio

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