Supergirl kills the tombs of Otis and Mercy


SPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for "Ahimsa", the last episode of Super Girl.

In "Ahisma", the last episode of Super Girlfans say goodbye to Mercy and Otis Graves. The brothers and sisters were killed in a botched terrorist attack that they planned to assign to extraterrestrials.

During the episode, Jnne discovered Mercy and Otis was controlling her friend Fiona Byrne with an alien parasite. While she was under their thumb, Fiona involuntarily used her telepathy to force other extraterrestrials to commit acts of violence, such as attacking a police station. At the suggestion of Agent Liberty, however, Mercy and Otis changed tactics and bet on a family fair crossing National City.

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At the fair, Mercy and Otis used Fiona to persuade their foreign captives to attack families. A battle with Supergirl and D.E.O. As a result, Lena Luthor and Brainiac-5 cleared Kryptonite from the air. As soon as she could survive without the combination, Supergirl took over Mercy and Otis.

As Alex approached to stop them, Mercy and Otis were both hit in the chest with bone-shaped forceps. Shocked, Alex and Supergirl turned to find that one of the mind-controlled aliens – released from the grip of Fiona – had turned against his captors and had killed them. Former D.E.O. Agent Jensen later confirmed their death during a discussion with Agent Liberty.

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Mercy and Otis were shown just three episodes in the premiere of season 4. They made their debut as anti-extraterrestrial terrorists who orchestrated an attack on President Marsdin as a foreigner for the public and sparked chaos nationwide. As a flashback revealed, they personally recruited Ben Lockwood as a brand agent, agent Liberty. According to the conclusion of the episode, it seems that the agent Liberty is about to take control of the movement.

Broadcast Sunday at 8:00 pm Eastern Time / The PT, Super Girl Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers), David Harewood (Martian Manhunter), Mehcad Brooks (Jimmy Olsen) and Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers).

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