Superpod with hundreds of dolphins in Monterey Bay


An excerpt from the video posted by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. A superpod composed of several hundred dolphins was spotted near the shore in Monterey Bay, California. Marine mammals have been lurking in the area since Labor Day Monday to catch fish. ( Monterey Bay Aquarium | Youtube )

This week, Monterey Bay had a wonderful surprise when nearly a thousand dolphins swam near the coast.

Dolphin Superpod In California

The Dolphins Superpode was spotted on Monday, September 3rd by an employee of the Monterey Bay Aquarium who filmed marine mammals jumping into the water. The spectacular video was posted on the social media sites of the public aquarium.

"It was one of the most amazing experiences of living water with squeaky, splashing dolphins," said Patrick Webster, creator of social media content for the Monterey Bay Aquarium. "They will see you and watch you, and you can see that they are watching you."

A superpod is made up of several groups of dolphins that travel together. They do it to tidy the little fish benches into a smaller eating area.

Other marine mammals such as beluga, narwhal, killer whale or killer whale and sperm whale travel in social groups called pods.

It's not uncommon to see a super-dolphin, especially in California, where there is an annual event, but it's a surprise to see them up close.

"[W]Webster explained, "It's pretty rare to see them as close to the shore and easily seen by people, these gatherings are often found way off. "

The Monterey Bay Aquarium said the super-dolphin had been sighted early Monday morning and that he had since run around Cannery Row throughout the week.

Feed frenzy

Whales were also seen in the area this week. In another video posted by the Monterey Bay Whale Watch on Facebook, groups of large marine mammals gathered off the California coast, where whales were blowing to catch fish.

Moments later, pods of dolphins arrived to pick up the remains. They can be seen swimming near the big whales.

It's the perfect time to drive to Monterey Bay and the rest of California to see marine mammals. Whales travel between Mexico and San Francisco, with pods of hot dolphins.

Last month, tourists also reported sightings of blue whales and humpback whales in California.

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