Supreme Court blocks Wilbur Ross testimony on census citizenship issue


WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court temporarily blocked Monday a court order for Wilbur Ross, Commerce Secretary, to file a lawsuit challenging the addition of a citizenship-related issue to the 2020 census.

As the Supreme Court wants to hear the applications for stays, his brief order gave no reason. The court said its order suspending the testimony would be upheld until it resolves a request from the Trump administration. A trial in this case is scheduled to begin next month.

In urging the judges to prevent the evidence, the Trump administration stated that Mr. Ross's subjective motives for adding the question were legally irrelevant. The administration stated that its reasons were sufficient to allow the courts to review the legality of the change.

"These reasons include the Department of Justice's view that the citizenship data from the decennial census would be useful in fulfilling its enforcement obligations with respect to the right to property. vote ", wrote Noel J. Francisco, Solicitor General, in an urgent request.

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