Supreme Court rejects GOP challenge against Pennsylvania's new electoral map


The Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear a case brought by Republican representatives in Pennsylvania challenging the Supreme Court's ability to redefine its plan to redraw Congress.

The State Court rejected the plan passed in 2011 by law, saying it violated the state constitution by strengthening the Republican party's representation in Congress.

But in their appeal to the Supreme Court, Pennsylvania officials claimed that the court had overstepped its power by redrawing the cards, which they said now favored Democratic voters.

The leaders of the Pennsylvania House and Senate, Michael Turzai and Joseph Scarnati, said that in the plain text of the US Constitution, the 2011 General Assembly plan is the plan that should govern the congressional elections of Pennsylvania according to federal law.

"Nevertheless, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court invalidated the 2011 plan and implemented its own plan solely for newly created legal grounds," they said in court notes.

"But if federal supremacy means anything, it clearly favors laws based on federal law over laws based solely on state law, and not the other way around."

The judges, however, refused to hear their appeal and provided no explanation for their decision.

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