Supreme Court rejects White House decision to block climate change lawsuit


The Supreme Court rejected a request from the Trump administration to end an intriguing climate change lawsuit filed by a youth group against the US government.

The complaint, filed in 2015 by 21 plaintiffs aged 11 to 22, argues that the inability of government leaders to fight climate change is a violation of their constitutional right to life, liberty, and property. and a "stable climate system" that will sustain human life.

The Trump administration has asked for an emergency decision to block the hearing of the case that was scheduled to start Monday in a federal court in Oregon.

The lawsuit calls on the federal government to develop a plan to phase out fossil fuels and carbon emissions and stabilize the Earth's climate.

The Trump administration argued that the lawsuit was "wrong" and "a radical invasion of the separation of powers" because environmental decisions should be left to political policy.

The Supreme Court refused Friday to stop the case. But he said the government could make arguments against the case before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the future.

The Supreme Court's decision acknowledged that the trial involved a number of "unprecedented legal theories" – including a "right to due process for certain climatic conditions" and an "equal right of protection to live in the same climate" than that enjoyed by previous generations ".

Judges Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch stated that they would have blocked the lawsuit.

Julia Olson, Executive Director and Senior Legal Counsel of the non-profit foundation Our Children's Trust, one of the organizations supporting the lawsuit, welcomed the decision.

"Our country's youth today has won an important Supreme Court ruling that shows that even the most powerful government in the world must abide by the rules and procedures of litigation in our democracy," he said. she said in a statement.

Lawyers are already taking steps to get Juliana v. US. "I'm back for trial next week," said Olson.

In July, the Supreme Court had foiled an attempt to block the case by the Trump administration, calling it "premature".

The Obama administration has also tried to explode the case.

In his final plea, Solicitor General Noel Francisco complained in a memorial to the Supreme Court that plaintiffs "are looking for nothing less than a complete transformation of the US energy system – including the l? abandonment of fossil fuels – ordered by a single district court "From a group of young people.

Such action "has no place in federal courts," argued the memoir.

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