Sure, it's "a scary time" (for boys), as the viral crooner sings on Kimmel


Viral singer Lynzy Lab and his ukulele has just started on the silver screen. Thursday night Jimmy Kimmel invited the dance teacher to perform her viral song "A Scary Time", which Lab first recorded after Donald Trump answered to Brett Kavanaugh's Senate Hearing on an Allegation of Sexual Abuse by Christine Blasey Ford saying, "This is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you can not be guilty of." (Kavanaugh denied all allegations of sexual misconduct.) Although she played solo in her original video, Lab had backups on Kimmel– an entire choir, actually.

Despite her sweet sound and joyous instrumentation, "A Scary Time" drains sarcasm. The lyrics include: "I can not walk to my car late at night on the phone / I can not open my windows when I'm alone at home. . . But it's really a scary time for the boys / group of gentlemen together, make noise / it's really hard when your reputation is at stake / and any woman you have assaulted could appear at any time . Up until now, Lab's original video has received 11.4 million views on Twitter alone.

During her introduction to Lab, Kimmel noted that Thursday was International Girls Day – a day dedicated to women's leadership to improve the lives of girls around the world. The comedian stated that the discussions sparked by Kavanaugh's confirmation process had allowed him to better understand what women like his wife meant when they said, "You do not know what it is that you do not know. ;be a woman".

"Until I start hearing these stories, I did not know what it was like to be a woman – about how endangered women often feel," Kimmel said. .

Lab started singing on stage, but soon women and girls joined the scene to provide relief voices. Remakes may have a bad reputation, but this is perhaps one of the few cases where rivals follow up, or even superior, to the original.

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