Surgeon General sends "digital postcard" on opioid crisis


CONCORD, N.H. (AP) – The country's chief medical officer said that no state has gone further in the fight against the opioid epidemic than New Hampshire.

US Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Friday at a conference on the impact of the crisis on children and families in the state, with the second highest rate of opioid overdose deaths in Canada. country. Sharing stories about his own family, he said that stigma and ignorance were the main obstacles to resolving the crisis.

But he said the most important progress is being made in countries that are forming unconventional partnerships and the widespread use of overdose reversal drugs.

Adams recently published a "digital postcard" on the prevention of opioid abuse, which he compared to an AIDS pamphlet that former surgeon general C. Everett Koop has sent to each home in the 1980s.

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