Surprise victory of opposition to elections in Maldives, a referendum on democracy: NPR


In a surprise victory, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, in the center, ousted the president of the Maldives. On Monday, he celebrated with supporters in the capital, Male.

Eranga Jayawardena / AP

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Eranga Jayawardena / AP

In a surprise victory, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, in the center, ousted the president of the Maldives. On Monday, he celebrated with supporters in the capital, Male.

Eranga Jayawardena / AP

Opposition candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih removed the president in the election in the Maldives, a surprise victory at a time when the archipelago nation was fearful of returning to authoritarianism and coming closer. from China.

On the tropical islands of the Indian Ocean, the participation rate was nearly 90%, said the Foreign Ministry. Solih, member of parliament, obtained 134,616 votes against 96,132 for the outgoing president.

Supporters rushed Sunday night into the streets of Malé, the capital, waving yellow flags belonging to his political party and chanting his nickname "Ibu, Ibu, Ibu," according to the BBC.

S addressing reporters in the capital, Mr Solih called it "moment of hope" after a difficult journey "that led to a prison cell or years of work. ;exile".

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom Monday, state television acknowledged his defeat, fearing not to accept the unexpected results of the election. He promised a smooth transition.

Yameen, who was elected in 2013, has been accused of jailing rivals and reducing democratic freedoms.

In February, he condemned the West by declaring a state of emergency. His government arrested two Supreme Court justices and opposition leader Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, his half-brother who was also president from 1978 to 2008.

The night before the opening of polling stations, the police raided the Solih campaign headquarters. There was talk of rigging and no observer from the European Union and the United Nations was sent to monitor the elections, reported NPR's Lauren Frayer.

India was one of the first countries to congratulate Solih. The Foreign Ministry described his victory as "the triumph of democratic forces". Prime Minister Narendra Modi telephoned Solih and "conveyed his wishes for strengthening democracy" according to to the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.

The election results are seen as a potential setback for China on the archipelago, which is at the center of a rivalry between India and China.

Under President Yameen, China has seen more and more opportunities to invest in the Maldives. According to Reuters, the main Chinese developments included an extension of the international airport and a bridge that connected it to the capital.

But Solih, at the time of the election, is committed to reviewing these agreements. The opposition accused Yameen of indebting the Maldives, leaving the tourist destination open to Beijing's influence.

The vote of the Maldives is not the only criticism of China. "Sunday's election results echo recent events in Malaysia, where voters rejected a government that had led the country into China's orbit with high-profile and often controversial deals," Wall said. Street Journal.

Mohamed Nasheed, the first democratically elected president of the Maldives, praised Solih, who belongs to his political party. "You have done a very good service not only to the people of Maldives, but also to freedom-loving people around the world," said the leader in exile. tweet. "Democracy is a historical inevitability."

Solih studied in Australia, before working in the state and opposition media and being elected to Parliament at age 32, according to the Associated Press. He also helped draft a new constitution for the country.

The Maldives moved to democracy in 2008 after three decades of authoritarian rule. In recent years, he has experienced political unrest.

Solih would be sworn in on November 17, starting at age five.

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