Survey: Riders love e-scooters, want more and knowingly break the law


E-scooter users love the new-fangled transportation option sweeping American cities, and despite the behavior of some riders, scooter riders know the rules of the road even if they choose not to obey them.

That’s one takeaway from a survey of 4,500 scooter riders released Monday by the Portland Bureau of Transportation.

The survey comes as e-scooter companies Bird, Lime and Skip are three months into a four-month pilot program. On Nov. 20, the companies must pull the devices from Portland streets as the government decides whether to proceed with a full-fledged permitted program.

Of those polled, 69 percent they were “extremely likely” to recommend the scooters to friends, and another 21 percent said they were “very likely.”

Scooterers love scooters, basically.

Portland blasted the survey out to 75,000 people who have used an e-scooter in the past three months. More than 4,500 responded (1,088 of which do not live or work in Portland). Here are some of the findings:

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