Survivor: David vs. Goliath: Recap: Season 37, Episode 9


I'm going to start the Thanksgiving special edition of this week's Survivor Let's recap with a cry. It may sound a little selfish and disgusting, but maybe the fact that I recognize that it's rude to shout out a bravery makes it a little better because it shows at least a minimum of self-awareness because of the I am fully aware of the rudeness in which I am going to engage. Or, think about it, maybe that's the same worst because only a narcissistic hole would continue to scream even demonstrating an ability to understand the aforementioned rudeness. I can not decide.

Anyway, there is a point (light, although tangential) to all this, which we will arrive in a minute. But first, since Survivor may have its segment "Previously on …", why not me? Ladies and gentlemen, here is our very first article entitled "Previously on … Dalton's Survivor to summarize."

"If the alliances continue under the opening of tribal lines, can the Davids do it again even though they are still on the ground 6-5? The answer is yes. In fact, if they wish, the Davids are guaranteed to control the next vote. How? Through the following: First, Nick uses his voice flight. This gives the Davids advantage at 6-5. All Davids then put their vote on someone – say Dan – and Carl uses his idol nullifier to cancel any idol played on Dan. Then Dan is sure to go home. Episode finished. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

That's what I wrote last week. I point out this so as not to seem boring to know everything (or, in the case of Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishbach, an entirely agreeable and notorious one), but rather to … in fact, who is- what am I kidding? I totally want the credit to understand this exact scenario a few moments after the previous tribal. But that's not why I mentioned this whole thing at trial. I do not mean to unnecessarily delay you from stuffing you with cranberry sauce and stuffing. On the contrary, I think it is possible that we are witnessing a fundamental change in the game that is taking place before our eyes. Let me explain.

IDIOT! Numbskull! IDIOT! THE WIRE OF A DEAD WITHOUT MOTHER! We all shouted on television before watching Survivor. Unfortunate things. Things we are not proud of. Four out of five doctors agree that one of the main causes of Survivory Satellite is the fact that someone on television finds an idol or benefit and then starts talking to people about it. How many times have we seen this backfire over the years? Forget about over the years, what about the weeks? Look at Dan. (Seriously, he wants you watch it. He has lost a lot of weight and is now waiting to appear on some sort of "Hot S.W.A.T. Cops "calendar.) Whatever it is, Dan told the person that he considered his most powerful ally in Kara's game about her two idols, and then she went to use these information against him by informing the enemy.

The fact is that you can not trust anyone in this game. And even if you think you can trust them on the third day, how do you know you can trust them on the second day – after tribal exchanges, mergers and many other factors? The information, it's the power in this game, so keep it for yourself. C & # 39; Survivor 101.

But does this change? The only way the Davids have managed what they've done in the past two weeks has been to share information and pool their resources. Even though we did not see him in the show, we must assume that Davie told others that he was using his idol last week, otherwise they would not have split the vote between John and Angelina .

Then, this week, all the secrets were shared. Nick told the Davids that he had stolen their voice. Christian told the Davids that he had an idol. Carl told the Davids that he had an idol nullator. Gabby started saying something to the Davids but started crying instead. In any case, everything was arranged on the proverbial table. It was the most brazen show of terrible Survivor strategy I've never seen. And yet, that made sense in the world. It's only by working together and combining certain powers – and ensuring that everyone knows them so that they remain strong as a single unified voting block – that the Davids can get it.

And yes, it was beautiful to watch. Observe the transformation on Dan's face of supreme satisfaction and trust after playing his idol to know the idol that Nullifer was playing against him related to Bart Simpson, who was idling the Special from the Krusty the clown's birthday to determine the exact moment when Lisa broke poor Ralph Wiggum's heart on national television.

This is not an argument for Dan. I had no particular satisfaction in watching his game being summarily destroyed due to a brand new twist that he had no reason to even know that it existed. This facial transformation is electric, no matter the subject. However, as surprising as it may seem, I am almost more focused on what it means for the future. Not the future of this season, but the way the game is played in season 39 or 43.

Do not channel my inner Hubicki, but has the calculation on how to win changed now? Survivor is an interminable cat and mouse game between producers and players. As soon as the competitors know how the game is going and how to act and play accordingly, the producers add a new ride. And now, adding different benefits that can be used together – much like the super idol in two parts of Kaoh Rong – Producers almost encourage candidates to share information, which goes against everything we have thought.

If the possibility of pooling resources is potentially present, are you still silent about your idol or your advantage? This is an interesting question to consider and which future competitors will face. Once again, the game evolves.

Jeff Probst leads adventures in the ultimate (and original) reality TV series.

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