Survivor host Jeff Probst announces David's season 37 against Goliath


Survivor is back and longtime host Jeff Probst given Weekly the goods on what fans can expect from season 37, dubbed "David vs. Goliath".

In addition to the interesting choice for tribal division, the CBS series introduces a revolutionary new twist when it comes to idols – a clipper id – that plays effectively, can completely cancel the strategic game of idols at the tribal council .

Find out more about what Probst said We:

Weekly: How long have you been thinking about the idea of ​​David v. Goliath? Why go now?

Jeff Probst: We never officially kicked off, although as a fan of Malcolm Gladwell, it was definitely in the Rolodex of ideas. The idea came during the casting while our casting director, Lynne Spillman, started showing us people. It was not a design, but we saw a group of people who were prosperous, attractive, physically fit and well educated, and they all had one thing in common: they came from some sort of advantage and they were used to to win. In fact, they expected to win. Then we noticed that we had another group of people who, because of their beginnings, had been forced to fight for everything and despite the success they achieved, they considered themselves outsiders. Once we saw a clear division, it was a pretty quick decision.

WeThese tribes are not divided according to their mental strength and physical strength. How has the idea evolved to what we see on each tribe, which is rather diverse groups? Has this affected how you planned the challenges?

JP: The biggest commitment was to be loyal to the division of the tribes and not to get stuck trying to balance the tribes in terms of strength or weakness. It is very clear in episode 1 that we have loaded the Goliath with a clear physical advantage. But what keeps Survivor interesting is the unknown. You do not know what is the advantage before knowing the situation. So, you never know what skills will be useful. Sometimes being big and strong is an advantage, sometimes not. It's the experience of this season. Which group will be best able to capitalize on all the benefits?

Jeff Probst's address to David and Goliath tribes
Jeff Probst's address to David and Goliath tribes Robert Voets / CBS

We: How long has actor / director Mike White been trying to get into the show? Have you seen his two appearances on Fantastic race before launching it? Was there anything about him that surprised you?

JP: I knew Mike for a few years and every time we met, he was talking Survivor and talk about how he wanted to play. I never really took him seriously and honestly, as I told him, I feared it was more than he had negotiated, and seen his success in life, once he was in it. he would see how difficult it was,. But I saw it a few months before this season and something was different. He had a goal that I had never seen before. We brought him to meet CBS and it was clear that he was ready to sacrifice all that was needed to try his luck in this adventure, so we touched him. I'm really glad we did it. He's arrived ready to play and he gives 100% of his presence every day, which is all you can ask someone.

We: We see the players fighting again against the extreme elements. Are you preparing the players differently now, knowing that it's still the hurricane season when filming in Fiji?

JP: I can not go into details. Well, I could but it would spoil the fun! Yes, we had another season of very hard time, especially early. It's one of the most invigorating and testing parts of production. We are constantly worried about their well-being, but we never want to take away from them any experience. It's a tightrope that we walk with a lot of consideration. There is nothing you can do to prepare someone to be on a beach and to be absolutely pounded by a storm. There is nowhere to hide. It's just you and your constitution. But at this point in our history, players must know that the show is real, that adventure is not a pretense. The weather hits and when it does, it can be brutal. This is part of the show because it forces you to keep your mind even in very difficult circumstances.

We: Tell us about the new benefit: the idol nullify. How does it work and why introduce it at this stage in Survivor run?

JP: The idol nullifier is something we have considered putting in the series for a few years and it just seemed like a good time. The idol nullify has the power to block an idol of immunity. But you must decide who to play the role of nullist before anyone really plays an idol. So, information is the key because you have to make sure that an idol is played and for whom. But if you guess, it's a devastating blow that can reverse the game.

Us: Is there anything else to tease about this season?

JP: I would have liked to have a very specific moment where I was comfortable sharing, but at the risk of appearing generic, I really think we have assembled another amazing group of players. Lynne Spillman, our casting director, has found 20 people absolutely entertaining and I think our fans will really enjoy this season.

Survivor 37 first season on CBS Wednesday 26 September at 20h ET.

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