Survivor Season 37 Theme and Spoilers on David Vs. Goliath 2018


Survivor Theme Season 37

Photo: David M. Russell © 2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Appearances are misleading" – Jeremy Crawford and Alec Merlino compete on SURVIVOR when the Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 37th season, thematic David vs. Goliath, with a first special 90 minutes.

The new theme of Survivor was unveiled, before the premiere of the season of September 26, 2018. And so, the CBS network brings you … Survivor 37: David Vs. Goliath. In front of each season, and sometimes even during the casting, the showrunner and host Jeff Probst teamed up with MGM television and digital president Mark Burnett to choose the theme. This season, Probst realized the theme during the casting and approached Burnett.

So how did Probst come in with David Vs. Goliath? In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Probst explained, "Like most of our casting ideas, Mark, the producers and CBS start the casting process. In general, we do not really have an idea and we start to see what happens and we [figure out the theme] the preceding month. But we have never arrived this season. And then I remember one day when this guy Christian came in, and he told us his story, namely that he was always a little nerd when he was a kid, and that he had to overcome any social clumsiness all your life. He has been targeted, and you can see him in his way of behaving, in his body language – it's almost as if he has to get permission before speaking. He was therefore, in many ways, this personification of a David. He had overcome obstacles all his life.

Probst went on to say, "And then we had a guy who was the polar opposite. This guy known as Johnny Mundo [a.k.a. John Morrison], the Mayor of Slamtown. He is a professional wrestler, he is gigantic, he is charming and he is intelligent. He started with advantage, he had a wonderful family and he used all these skills to kill everybody all his life … So we looked at those two and we went to a point where we could actually engage because the big risk is to feel enough confidence in the format and the idea of ​​confronting these seemingly unbalanced groups. "

Clearly, this season's tribes will reflect the theme, as will the entire show. In a post on Reddit, a user named AnthonyD46 described the new cast members, saying that the David tribe would be made up of "ordinary people" and that the Goliath group would consist of "people like their CEOs, surgeons". etc. The theme was revealed at the meeting of the previous season, Survivor: Ghost Island, according to Inside Survivor.

Regarding how the theme plays a role in the competition this season, Probst told Entertainment Weekly, "The theme we were coming back to is when you're on the island and you do not know what to expect. . It does not matter whether you were born with your benefit or that you had to work for it, because everyone knows that every David has a secret weapon and that every Goliath certainly has his Achilles heel, ;Is Survivor will bring out. It will bring you to your knees and it will take you to your highest levels. It's all about context, situation and response.

As usual, the show was shot in the Mamanuca Islands in Fiji. And with regard to some spoilers of the new season, we have some. But if you do it DO NOT want to know spoilers on season 37, Stop reading now.

That being said, Gold Derby has reported that two of the cast members this season are celebrities – director Mike White and professional wrestler John Hennigan. In May 2018, two competitors were threatened with a $ 5 million fine for breaching their confidentiality agreements, according to TMZ. When cast members Alec Merlino and Kara Kay posted a photo online, it was a spoiler that both were competing on Survivor together. The two would have "succeeded", but they had not thought about the publication of Instagram.

Plug in to watch Season 37 of Survivor on CBS. There are also many ways to watch the show online, as well as ordering episodes on Amazon, which you can find here.

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