Susan Collins says she will not support the Supreme Court candidate who demonstrates "hostility toward Roe v. Wade "


Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), a key vote on President Trump's next Supreme Court election, said Sunday that she would not vote for any judge who wanted to end abortion in the United States by overthrowing Roe c. Wade "I would not support a candidate who expressed hostility toward Roe v. Wade ," Collins said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" , adding that Roe c. Wade ] Abortion has established abortion as a "constitutional right".

In another appearance, on ABC This News, Collins said that any judge who wants to overthrow Roe has an "activist agenda" that she thinks goes against the principles fundamental principles of American law and the Constitution.

Trump has already met with Collins to discuss potential candidates for the Supreme Court, and she told him that she would not support some of the people on the list of 25 judges that he considers for the critical role on the nation & # 39; s the highest court. About the 2016 election campaign, Trump said it would take into account the fact that a judge would overthrow Roe v. Wade when he considered them to be before a Supreme Court. But he changed his rhetoric last week after Judge Anthony M. Kennedy announced his retirement.

Collins stated that Trump assured him that he would not ask the candidates they would vote to overthrow Roe v. Wade

"The president told me at our meeting that he would not ask that question," she told CNN. In her article on ABC News, Collins added that she felt it would be "inappropriate" for Trump to ask this question

Supreme Court candidates must be confirmed by a majority in the US Senate. Republicans have 51 votes, so no matter what more a defection would sink a candidate unless a Democrat crossed party lines. Collins and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) are widely regarded as critical swing voters. The two women resisted Trump by voting against the bill on health care overhauls last summer, and they tended to support access to abortion

. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), A member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, appeared just after Collins on "This Week" and described the remarks of her Republican colleague in support of Roe v. Wade "very encouraging".

Trump said that he considered the Supreme Court justices as the most important thing he would do as president outside of war and peace. He said at a rally in North Dakota last week that he wanted to choose someone who will be "there for 40, 45 years."

Collins was one of the most bipartisan senators in recent years, and many say it could be "My colleagues on both sides know that this vote could be one of the key votes of all their career, "Sen said. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), During an appearance on NBC News "Meet the Press." "If they vote for someone who will change previous, it could be an end-of-career move."

Michael Scherer contributed to this report.


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The next Supreme Court candidate will receive a lot of drama – but not in the Senate [19659015] window.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function () {});
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