Susan Sarandon could play in another "Feud" season, this time playing against Debra Messing.

The star of "Will & Grace" challenged a tweet of Variety, indirectly quoting Sarandon as saying: "Donald Trump has, if anything, inspired more women and people of color to run for office."

This was not the first political argument between Messing, who had backed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections, and Sarandon, who supported Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, but said she would vote for Trump in the US. Hoping to trigger a progressive revolution.

Round 2 started on Tuesday when Variety has published an interview in which Sarandon stated that Bernie Sanders had proved that candidates could run without dark money and that women and minorities were pursuing this momentum and were even more "animated" by their animosity towards Trump, whom she described as a character cartoon.

"You see a lot of people running and winning," said Sarandon. "These people, you have never seen this population run … So many women, I think, as 40% more women are candidates for positions."

Messing returned on Twitter Wednesday, the writing,

"Oh, and do not forget Syria, Crimea, and put the PRO-RUSSIA program in place before the best interests of the United States," she added. "YES, go on and on LAUD the effect that Trump has had … DESPERATION & PANIC for the DESTRUCTION of the soul of our country."

Messing says to Sarandon: "But you do not want to look at this one of the equation. Because then you would have to admit that you were dead. BAD running while bellowing that HRC was more dangerous than Trump. Only a narcissist continue to gush and not – face the pain and agony of Americans – be contrite and apologize for your participation in this disaster. But you, Susan.

In response, Sarandon tweeted to his comrade actress "Debs, before you behaved well, try to click on the video and listen to what I'm saying, not the @ Variety Clickbait title, which does not have quotation marks. is a clue … "

But by Messing's account, she watched it. "Two times," she shared.

Sarandon and Messing have also committed to retweeting unflattering messages from each other. Sarandon re-made a screen shot of a story about his arrest in June at an anti-Trump rally, next to probably relaxing Messing on a shady porch. "Susan Sarandon and Debra Messing, four days apart" the post read.

Another tweet Sarandon added: "Remember when Debra Messing was arrested in protest against Trump and her inhuman caging of children, while Susan Sarandon used her celebrity power to only tweet and preach the choir? Oh, wait.

While Messing shared the thoughts of a user who tweeted"Whenever Hillary Clinton ran, she inspired more women to come in. Whenever Hillary Clinton fought for civil rights, she inspired more PoCs. Give a tribute to a woman ( expletive)."


At the premiere of the new mini-series "Feud: Bette and Joan," Susan Sarandon talks about her reaction to Donald Trump's first speech to Congress. (The 2nd of March)

Sarandon also spread his scruples with Variety in public, calling out his "clickbait title" of the tweet. She was also in agreement with journalist and author Glenn Greenwald, believing that Variety "knew exactly what he was doing". "Of course, they knew" she tweeted.

Bradley Whitford, the star of "Get Out", also participated in the Battle of Sarandon. The actor, who is now part of the cast of Hulu's "Handmaid's Tale", tweeted, "We are about to lose Roe v Wade, millions of vulnerable people are about to lose their right for a generation.You said that there was no difference between HRC and DJT.Are you unable to admit that you were wrong? "

Whitford, who spent seven seasons playing a White House staff member and a political officer on "The West Wing", added: "The consequences of elections are important, not your political purity: women, people of color, mothers separated from children, people without health care and the generation that must live under the scotus of Donald Trump can not to allow a false equivalence privilege of bliss. "

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