Susan Sarandon Arrested at Anti-Trump Rally


Susan Sarandon was one of approximately 575 people arrested during a demonstration on Capitol Hill against President Trump's immigration policy and family separations at the southern border on Thursday. The group, including representative Pramila Jayapal, a Democrat from Washington State, was accused of demonstrating illegally.

Sarandon tweeted from the rally, where she and other women carried banners that said, "We demand … to end all the detention camps." They also said, "We are worried," in response to the first lady of the jacket that Melania Trump wore last week.

The protest took place in the atrium of the Hart Senate office building. According to US Capitol Police, the individuals were treated on the scene and released. Protesters were there to protest the Trump Administration's "zero tolerance" policy that treats all illegal border crossings as criminal offenses. Trump signed an executive order last week ending family separations, but some 2,000 children remained separated. A federal judge ordered that families separated at the border be reunited within 30 days.

Sarandon tweeted: "Stopped, stay strong, keep fighting. #WomenDisobey "

Sarandon has a Long history of political activism Earlier in June, she participated in a march against gun violence in New York City .The protest was one of the protests organized in the country to protest against gun violence and urging lawmakers to impose restrictions on firearms, reported AP

.] by liberals for saying in 2016 that she was more afraid of "hawkishness" Hillary Clinton's only platform of Mr. Trump's "build a wall." She was a fervent supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders in the presidential election.

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