Suspected rebels kill 18 people in eastern Congo amid Ebola


KINSHASA, Congo – A Congolese civil society group says 18 people have been killed in attacks by suspected rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces in the city of Beni, an additional threat to the city and region.

The Norwegian Refugee Council said other humanitarian organizations had been forced to temporarily suspend their activities in Beni because of Saturday's attack.

"This indicates an increasingly worrying security situation across the country," the group said in a statement on Monday. "NRC has also had to halt a number of aid activities as a result of the escalating armed conflict in Djugu territory in the northern province of Ituri and the territory of Fizi in South Kivu. last two weeks. These suspensions disrupted assistance to thousands of people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection. "

Stephen Lamin, Regional Director of the Norwegian Refugee Council, said that it was the worst case scenario. The group provides food, housewares, education and legal advice in the area.

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Congolese Minister of Health Dr. Oly Ilunga Kalenga said that health personnel should only temporarily suspend field activities requiring home visits, but that "all pillars of the response remain fully operational".

"Despite the unfortunate events of recent days, the Ministry of Health remains fully committed to your community," he said.

Health centers, including the Beni Ebola treatment center, remained open, among other things, he said.

"We share your sorrow. Do not let these tragic incidents divide us, "he said. "The only way to end the Ebola outbreak is to mobilize and engage the community alongside the health authorities."

UN-backed Okapi radio reported Sunday that 14 civilians and four soldiers were killed Saturday in the Rwenzori community in Beni.

The rebels of the ADF attacked a military position and the battle caused death. Radio Okapi also reported that many market stalls had been looted by suspected rebels based in Uganda.

Although agencies have continued the health work to contain Ebola, such attacks hinder these efforts.

According to the Congolese Ministry of Health, this latest epidemic in the east of the country has infected at least 118 people, including 69 dead.

The tenth epidemic in Congo was declared on August 1st. More than 10,000 people have been vaccinated since then.

Eastern Congo is home to many armed groups fighting for control of the mineral-rich region.

ADF rebels have killed more than 1,500 people in the Beni area since October 2014. The rebels formed in the 1990s and eventually moved from neighboring Uganda to Congo.

Associated Press

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