Swan Hill affair of anthrax content at a property


ANTHRAX has been identified on a property near Swan Hill over the weekend.

Veterinarians from Agriculture Victoria responded to this case over the weekend and stated that the affected property had been quarantined and that appropriate biosecurity protections were in place.

"We are urging farmers in the region to remain vigilant and report any symptoms associated with anthrax in farm animals," said Dr. Charles Milne, Victoria's chief veterinarian.

He added that it was not unusual for anthrax cases to be detected in cattle and sheep in the

area, with several farms in the Swan Hill area affected in March 2017 and a property in March this year.

"Incidents tend to occur during the warmer months, when it gets drier and the cattle sink deeper into the ground by eating grass.

"We are well prepared to handle these incidents and we are contacting local farmers and veterinarians."

Dr. Milne stated that all the sheep on the affected property had now been vaccinated and appropriated.

the disposals took place today (Monday).

Charcoal is caused by a natural bacterium, Bacillus anthracis, which is known to exist in the ground in parts of northern Victoria.

Agriculture Victoria said that current evidence suggests that only one property has been affected.

The anthrax is not a concern for the public because it does not spread quickly and is not contagious, adding that there is no general risk for the public health.

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