Swedish fries could be shorter after a hot summer


French fries may be on the brink of shortening, with hot summers leading to crop failures in Europe.

Fleas could become one centimeter shorter due to dry weather this year.

The drought has not only affected potato crops in Sweden. Farmers in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany are now warning of a significant reduction in the harvests of the popular staple food.

This will likely result in higher prices in supermarkets and reduced size of harvested products.

Since Sweden imports most of the fried potato variety from Belgium and the Netherlands, shorter fries are likely in the Scandinavian country.

"They could grow from six to 4.5 centimeters according to harvest estimates and the information we currently have," TT told Anders Huldt, CEO of the Svensk Potatis organization.

A homologous industrial organization in Belgium echoed these sentiments.

"As the potatoes are smaller at the moment, we are all going to eat smaller fries," said Pierre Lebrun, president of the Walloon Association of Potato Producers, to the Sudpresse newspaper.

Huldt added that it was still too early to say for sure what would be the length of the fries.

The news is also unlikely to affect the deals at fast food restaurants in Sweden.

"We have not planned a price increase on the agenda," said Henrik Nerell, Communications Department of McDonald's Sweden, TT.

READ ALSO: Drought-stricken farmers to receive billions of dollars from Swedish government

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