Swedish Prime Minister calls the racist far right party on the eve of elections


The Swedish prime minister denounced a far-right party increasingly popular as a racist and a threat to the nation's European values ​​on Saturday as political candidates made their last pre-election speeches to voters.

The parliamentary elections to be held on Sunday will be the first of Sweden, since the government authorized in 2015 163,000 migrants in the country. Although much less than Germany took that year, it was the highest per capita of all European nations.

An adverse reaction from immigration is expected to influence the vote, even though the number of migrants arriving in Sweden has been severely restricted since the peak of the massive influx of Europe. Polls showed that some parties lost some support, including center-left parties that previously favored open door policies.

The Swedish Democrats, a party rooted in a neo-Nazi movement that has worked to soften its image, have played a role in removing long-standing taboos over what Swedes could openly say about immigration and integration without being racist.

In a lively debate held Friday night by party leaders, Jimmie Akesson, the leader of the Swedish Democrats, caused a sensation by accusing migrants of the difficulties they often encounter to find a job. He said he heard too many times that "if only migrants get a job, then everything will be fine".

"It will not happen, it is not like that," said Akesson. "We have to ask ourselves a question: why is it so difficult for these people to get a job?" Is because they are not Swedish .They can not adapt to Sweden and they have trouble finding a job. "

The broadcaster who broadcast the televised debate, SVT, then described his remarks as degrading and against the democratic mandate of public broadcasting. Akesson replied that public television should not take sides.

According to many recent opinion polls, support for Swedish Democrats among registered voters has reached about 20%, up from 13% in 2014.

A 20% share of Sunday's vote would not be enough for the party to run a government, but a strong demonstration of support would give more power to pressure the next administration.

Some Swedes fear that the more moderate image of the party is superficial and have expressed fears about its anti-European views and its support for lowering the legal limit for abortions from 18 to 12 weeks.

Prime Minister Stefan Lofven on Saturday presented his party, the Social Democrats, calling the Swedish Democrats racist. Lofven accused some of his opponents of being ready to work with the far right party, which he swore to his party not to do.

"We will not go back a mile against hatred and extremism wherever it occurs," said Lofven. "Again and again and again, they show their Nazi and racist roots and they are trying to destroy the EU at a time when we most need this cooperation."

Ulf Kristersson, leader of the moderate party, emphasized the importance of integrating newcomers.

"We can not have a situation where you come to Sweden and do not integrate into society," he told voters. Integration is one of the biggest issues for the future in Sweden. "

Carl Bildt, a former moderate party prime minister, said he thought the disturbing rise of the far right could be contained, but saw it as a "warning signal that we must take these steps. feelings more seriously.

Swedish leaders should "respond to the concerns that exist, treat the anti-European sentiments that they also express, so as to be more resilient as a society against such trends in the future", said Bildt.


Gera brought back from Warsaw. Philipp Jenne in Stockholm and Jari Tanner in Helsinki contributed.

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