Sylvester Stallone will not face sexual assault charges


Sylvester Stallone

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Sylvester Stallone will not be able to deal with this issue.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office also found the allegations fell outside of the statue of limitations.

In 2017, an unidentified victim said Stallone assaulted her in the early 1990s.

The Rocky star said the allegation was "completely fabricated".

According to the charge evaluation sheet, the woman said she and Stallone had "a consensual relationship" in 1987.

"The victim alleged assaults in 1987 and 1990 and provided fresh complaint witnesses," it reads.

"However, none of the witnesses corroborated the victim's allegations."

It also reported that the additional investigation "did not provide any further corroboration".

At the time of the woman's original allegation, Stallone's lawyer Marty Singer said the actor "categorically disputes the claim".

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