Symptoms of hypertension: The signs of hypertension include headache and dizziness


High blood pressure affects more than 25% of British adults.

This condition, also known as hypertension, puts additional stress on blood vessels and vital organs.

High blood pressure increases the risk of life-threatening complications, such as heart disease and stroke.

High blood pressure is known as the "silent killer" because it usually has no symptoms.

However, if your blood pressure is extremely high, there may be warning signs to watch for.

Severe headaches are a common sign of hypertension, revealed Superdrug.

Although they are not unusual and may be caused by a number of health problems, this could be a precursor to hypertension.

Dizziness is another symptom of hypertension. Severe vertigo could be a sign of a hypertensive crisis – a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment.

Some hypertensive patients report persistent nosebleeds, caused by weak blood vessels.

You may also be at risk for high blood pressure if you constantly feel a little nauseated, Superdrug added.

"Because high blood pressure (medical term – hypertension) is a serious disease that can cause disability or death, it's important to know if you suffer from it," he said.

"It is unlikely that you are experiencing symptoms of hypertension.

"The truth is that the vast majority of hypertensive patients have no symptoms.

"It is possible to get symptoms of high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, you may experience some symptoms.

"If you think you have symptoms of high blood pressure, look to find out if you need a screening test or treatment."

The only way to know if you are suffering from high blood pressure is to have it checked.

All adults over the age of 40 should check their blood pressure at least every five years.

You can check your risk of hypertension by talking to a doctor or some pharmacists.

A healthy and balanced diet and regular physical activity can reduce your chances of developing the disease.

All British adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity each week.

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