Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes: Eat these foods to lower your blood sugar


Type 2 diabetes has an impact on the lives of more than 3.3 million Britons.

The concern is so common that it has recently been labeled an epidemic.

Health leaders have warned members of the public to change their lifestyle to reduce their risk.

Staying active, taking medication and maintaining a healthy weight are all ways to do this.

Being aware of your eating habits can also help regulate your blood sugar levels and reduce symptoms.

So, what foods should you incorporate into your diet to prevent the dangers of type 2 diabetes?

Surprisingly, eating fat cheese, yogurt and butter may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Researchers, led by the University of Cambridge, have studied the impact of dairy products on the body.

The scientists collected data from 16 different studies to see how 63,600 adults were assigned over a 20-year period.

Their review found that those who did not eat dairy products were more likely to develop the disease.

Of the participants, 15,100 who did not eat a diary developed type 2 diabetes.

But those with higher concentrations of milk fat biomarkers were less likely to contract the disease.

Type 2 diabetes


CARING FOR YOUR HEALTH: Certain diet changes can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes
(Pic: GETTY)

As a result of the research, the lead author, Dr. Fumiaki Imamura, presented his findings.

An employee at the University of Cambridge said, "Our results provide the most comprehensive global evidence to date on dairy fat biomarkers and their relationship to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

"We are aware that our work on biomarkers has limitations and requires further research on the underlying mechanisms, but at the very least, available data on milk fat indicate no increased risk of developing diabetes." type 2. "

This is not the only study that examines the impact of dairy products on blood sugar.

Research published in the Journal of Dairy Science shows that milk can be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.

The study found that drinking a high-protein drink at breakfast can help moderate blood sugar.

Casein, naturally present in milk, is believed to help slow down digestion and make you feel fuller longer.

Lead author, Dr. Douglas Goff, of the University of Guelph, explained, "This study confirms the importance of milk at breakfast to facilitate the slower digestion of carbohydrates and reduce the rate of blood sugar.

"Nutritionists have always emphasized the importance of a healthy breakfast and this study should encourage consumers to include milk."

Are you worried about fighting type 2 diabetes?

Here are some symptoms to watch for:

  1. Excessive thirst
  2. Hunger
  3. Weightloss
  4. Frequent toilet breaks
  5. Mood breaks
  6. Sleep problems
  7. Numbness or foot pain
  8. Skin problems
  9. Slow to heal wounds
  10. Tired

It is advisable to contact your GP if you have any concerns regarding any of these symptoms. They can then tell you the steps to follow.

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