Synagogue massacre suspect pushed caravan conspiracies far-right has embraced


By Daniella Silva

The so-called caravan headed towards the southern border has not just united migrants and refugees from Central America, experts who research extremism say it has also brought together a spectrum of conspiracy theorists and the far-right.

The possible prime example of that at the moment is Robert Bowers, the man accused of killing 11 people Saturday at a Pittsburgh synagogue. He had posted on the social network Gab prolific anti-Semitic threats as well as conspiracy theories surrounding the caravan of migrants traveling north from Honduras towards the U.S. border.

Experts on extremism said myriad elements of the right has seized on imagery from the caravan to provoke a variety of fears.

“The migrant caravan works for the far-right on multiple levels,” J.M. Berger, a research fellow at VOX-Pol, a violent online extremist research group, wrote to NBC News in an email. “Fear and hatred of immigrants is a theme that can cross ideological boundaries for a lot of different far-right movements — for instance, it can be a vehicle for anti-Muslim views or for white supremacist views, and it can be couched as anti-immigration, when in fact, it’s targeting the immigrants themselves.”

Peter Montgomery, a senior fellow at Right Wing Watch, which tracks far-right media, said the caravan was being used by some on the right to “inflame fears” from different angles, which can target those who believe in strict immigration policies, people with national security concerns, white nationalists, among others.

Those narratives were not just being circulated on sites like Gab and 4chan, but being touted by Fox News and other conservative media and figures, including President Donald Trump, he said.

“This group of people seeking refuse and asylum have been turned into an invading army by Trump and by his ring-wing supporters who are using the language of invasion,” he said.

Trump has repeatedly called for stopping the caravan and has claimed without providing evidence that Middle Easterners and criminals are among the migrants.

“Many Gang Members and some very bad people are mixed into the Caravan heading to our Southern Border,” Trump tweeted Monday. “Please go back, you will not be admitted into the United States unless you go through the legal process. This is an invasion of our Country and our Military is waiting for you!”

On Monday, the Pentagon announced that the U.S. would send thousands of troops to the border as a response to the caravan.

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