Synthetic fragrance stimulates hair growth


If you are looking to push extra hair, you may have come across a wide range of high-tech, expensive and often painful tools that promise to add volume to your locks. The idea of ​​a therapy based on the smell could look like hocus pocus.

But scientists investigating a chemical that smells of sandalwood have discovered the woody, floral fragrant can stimulate hair growth. They published their findings in the journal Nature Communications.

"It's actually a pretty amazing discovery," said Ralf Paus, head of research and science at the University of Manchester. L & # 39; Independent. "It's the first time that it has been shown that the remodeling of a normal human mini-organ [a hair] can be regulated by a simple, cosmetically widely used odorant. "

An "odorant" is an ingredient used to give a particular smell to a product. We experiment these flavors through our "olfactory" receptors. Beyond the nose, our bodies are covered by these receptors and they play important roles far beyond our sense of smell.

Paus and his team have recognized the role of the OR2AT4 receptor in healing wounds. The growth of new hair, they thought, is a largely similar process. So, in an effort to see if OR2AT4 receptors could affect hair formation, they bathed human scalp tissue stains in synthetic sandalwood chemical for several days.

The researchers noted a sharp increase – from 25 to 30% – of a growth hormone released in sandalwood infused leathers. Natural death has also been delayed in cells related to hair production, the team said. When Paus blocked the binding of odorant molecules to the relevant receptors, this success was reversed.

The team thinks their technique may soon translate into a viable baldness therapy, L & # 39; Independent reported. A clinical trial is underway to test the effects of the product, after some successes in a small pilot study.

"It's a fascinating concept that the human hair follicle, as the authors say, can" smell "using an olfactory receptor," said Nicola Clayton of the British Association of Dermatologists, who did not participated in the study. But we still do not know how much synthetic sandalwood therapy could help patients, she added.

Earlier this year, researchers found the hope of finding a cure for baldness in an even more bizarre place, a chemical found in McDonald's fries. More recently, scientists have discovered that a compound called D-PDMP could reverse some of the effects of aging, including baldness, graying hair and wrinkles, in mice.

Ralf Paus did not immediately respond to NewsweekRequest for comment.

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