Syria and Russia resume Idlib air strikes: residents, lifeguards


AMMAN (Reuters) – Russian and Syrian planes resumed Sunday intensive strikes in Idlib and Hama, residents and rescuers announced, while Damascus intensified its assault on the last rebel stronghold.

They said that Syrian army helicopters dropped drums of bombs – usually filled with explosives and shards – into the villages of al-Habeet and Abdin in southern Idlib, as well as on a series of other hamlets and villages in the area.

The Syrian army denies having used barrel bombs. However, United Nations investigators have extensively documented their use by the military.

Russian planes reportedly hit neighboring cities of Latamneh and Kafr Zeita, in northern Hama, during a series of raids, an organization that monitors airstrikes in Syria and a rebel source.

Damascus, supported by its allies, Russia and Iran, is preparing a major assault to recover Idlib and adjacent areas of the northwest. The province is the last major bastion of Syria to actively oppose the domination of President Bashar al-Assad.

Russian and Syrian warplanes resumed their bombing campaign a day after a summit of Turkish, Iranian and Russian presidents failed to agree on a ceasefire that would prevent 'offensive.

Turkey and the Western powers have warned against a bloodbath if a major Russian-backed bombing campaign is launched in the densely populated northwestern province bordering Turkey.

The United Nations has also expressed concern that a large-scale offensive will provoke a humanitarian catastrophe involving tens of thousands of civilians.

Until now, air strikes have not hit a large city in the province where more than three million civilians, many of whom have been displaced from other regions, have taken refuge during the conflict. .

Russia says it avoids civilians and targets only al-Qaeda-inspired radical groups, but opposition sources and locals say most of the victims in recent days were civilians.

The opposition accuses Russia and its allies of hitting in hospitals and civil defense centers to force the rebels to surrender as part of new large-scale military offensives.

A US-based and active medical association in the provinces said three hospitals and two civil defense centers had been bombed in the past two days, "leaving thousands of people without access to medical care."

"It is distressing to see an upsurge in attacks on medical facilities … There are more than three million civilians in this overcrowded area of ​​Syria who are in a life-threatening situation," he said. Ghanem Tayara. (UOSSM) said in a statement.

(Report by Suleiman Al-Khalidi, edited by Raissa Kasolowsky)

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