Syrian rebels in the south face difficult surrender conditions or renewed attack


Syrian rebels faced a deadline on Wednesday for talks with Russia, a regime ally, either to accept tough surrender conditions in the south or to undergo a renewed military offensive. Assad forces against rebels in southern provinces of Daraa and Quneitra

But it simultaneously negotiates rebel cities for capitulations negotiated in a carrot and stick strategy that Russia and the regime have used successfully in the past.

More than 30 cities have already agreed to regain control of the regime and talks focused on remaining rebel territories in the western Daraa countryside and the southern half of the city.

The rebels were scheduled to meet with a Russian delegation on Wednesday to make their decision on Moscow's proposal to take power in the rest of the south, a spokesman for opposition operations in the south said.

Ibrahim Jabbawi According to AFP, the rebels "were now discussing its contents with Southern personalities and fighters to find out if they should return to the negotiating table."

"We hope to reach an agreement so that the displaced can return home," said Jabbawi.

A source close to the talks said the meeting would take place at 16:00 local time (13:00 GMT). During this session, the rebels proposed a ceasefire, the withdrawal of the army from the cities that it had already taken and a safe passage to the territory of the opposition for the fighters or civilians refusing to live under the regime's control.

– "The Last Turn" –

But Moscow categorically rejected the terms, said the source, and responded with a counterproposal

He told the negotiators that the population transfers were not the same. were not on the table in the south. , although he has accepted them in other areas like Eastern Ghouta and Aleppo

Russia has insisted that the army return to its positions before 2011, and the Local police would take over the cities in coordination with the Russian military police. The Russian delegation warned the opposition factions that "their last day of negotiations would be their last day of trading, and that they should submit their final answer in the afternoon," said source.

Moscow a

According to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, a war observer based in Britain, air strikes stalled for several days to allow for negotiations.

"Today will be the last.The armed forces have taken over these conditions, or military operations are resuming," said the source.

This mixture of military pressures and negotiated capitulations has extended the control of about 60% of the province of Daraa.According to the United Nations, the violence has displaced between 270,000 and 330,000 people, much to the south until the border with Jordan or to the west, near The Israeli-occupied Golan Heights

have kept their borders closed to those fleeing violence, despite increasing calls from Syrian rights groups to seek safety.

Human Rights Watch urged Jordan and Israel on Wednesday to allow asylum seekers The refusal of the Jordanian authorities to allow asylum seekers to protect themselves not only goes against their obligations but also against basic human decency, "said Lama Fakih of HRW

. hometowns that had fallen under the regime's control were returning, but even that journey is dangerous.

Eleven members of one family were killed in the explosion of a landmine as they returned to their hometown of Al-Mseifra. "With the government, the Observatory said on Wednesday

that the number of civilians killed since the onslaught began at 140, including children.

World powers have criticized the government for the" killing of civilians. operation to violate a cease-fire announced last year by Washington, Amman and Moscow, but they failed to stop the blitz.

UN Security Council will hold a meeting Thursday closed to discuss offensis Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi was in Moscow on Wednesday for talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov

Safadi called for a ceasefire in the country South, saying that the developing situation was "of great importance" for Jordan 19659031] History continues

Lavrov, meanwhile, said that Moscow hoped the rebels would lay down their arms.

"We help the Syrian army to continue working with the armed groups to convince them to sign a reconciliation agreement. "A Syrian rebel warrior targets his Kalashnikov assault rifle near the front line outside the city of Daraa, in the south of the country, on July 3, 2018

Map of Syria locating population displacements Daraa Province

A Syrian rebel fighter climbs into a chariot near the southern town of Daraa on July 3, 2018

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